72) Explanation Time

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***Maria's POV***

My breath got caught in my lungs at the sight of him in his wolf form.

  This isn't my first time seeing him, but it is my first time seeing him without an ugly snarl on his face. Or without having to worry about the battle around me, so I can appreciate him.

He's gorgeous.

So tall and dark.

  I can hardly pick a place to admire first. The strong muscles covering his legs. The pitch blackness of his fur. The fierceness in his eyes.

The scar on his shoulder screams for my attention though, as the only spot not shrouded in deep black fur. Even my mark is covered. But I know it's there.

It only adds to the masterpiece that is his wolf.

And he knows it by the looks of it.

Standing proudly, his chin up, and his stance strong. Showing off any battle scars proudly.

I wish I had the same ability.

To not care about the uglier scars that canvas my body. To even be proud of them.

Maybe one day, with their help, I will.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts. That's for another day.

I put all my attention back on Malaki.

So majestic and fierce.

  In this form, he's the embodiment of an alpha wolf. Not hindered by fear or hesitation or shame, like Jason is plagued with. Just pure power, instinct, and confidence.

  I guess that's one of the perks of being a literal animal.

  But Jason is in there. I know he'll stand this proudly one day too.

  I shook my head once more to get myself out of the trance. I'm probably stroking his ego far too generously with all this gawking.

  Once he was done enjoying watching me admire him, he trotted up to me like a d@mn show horse.

  I rolled my eyes but couldn't hold back the grin.

  He let out a small yip and gestured with his massive wolf head to hop on his back. I immediately started feeling hesitant again, but his excited puppy dog eyes made me groan and do as he wanted.

  Getting on his back felt similar to mounting a horse with his massive size — I was never fond of horses — but I made it work.

  Once I was on, I noticed his tail wagging excitedly and I shook my head.

  "I'm doing this now, but you've got some explaining to do when we get back," I pointed a stern finger at his face.

  His tail stopped wagging and went between his legs.

  "Mhm, what? Did you think you were off the hook?"

Big Bad WolfieNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ