46) Thanks, but No Thanks

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  "What was that about?" I asked Maria after I made my way over to her.

  She quickly wiped away her tears, as if I hadn't already noticed them.

  "Oh, um, I was talking to Marco and Doc. Y'know, to see how the blood scavenging is going," she nodded quickly, her voice wavering.

***Maria's POV***

  "But why were you crying?" He frowned.

  I looked up at him incredulously, tears threatening to spill again, "Why do you think, Wolfie?"

  He looked down, even a little crestfallen.

  My own mate doesn't want to call off his infiltration of my house.

. . . And now he's forcing me to do something about it.

  I ducked my head down and pushed passed him.

  I sulked over to the bar and plopped onto a stool.

Thank the goddess he didn't follow me.

I looked around, feeling uneasy. Probably from his eyes on me.

I sighed. I don't even know where everyone else is.

  "I wish this night would just end already," I mumbled to myself.

  "I might be able to help with that."

Chills went down my spine at the voice that came from a few feet behind me.

A voice so smooth and beautiful, it becomes eerie. That voice is so melodic, it sounds unnatural to the ear.

I knew I smelled something funny.

I turned my chair around and found a beautiful woman. A supernaturally beautiful woman, with flawless skin and and a perfect figure. Her eyes are huge and the palest blue most have ever seen. But all their eyes are like that.

All their faces and bodies are flawless.

But their minds.

Are terrifying.

I'm face to face with a hybrid.

Seemingly, not a very high ranking one, but deadly nonetheless.

Even to a total bad@ss, like myself.

And the most ironic part about how lethal they are? No one else around us realizes the imminent danger standing in the same building as them.

They all probably realized there's something special about her, something off, even before they laid eyes on her.

All hybrids give off that vibe.

The vibe I give off when my eyes go red, but x3 in the 'you're gonna die' department.

But that feeling can be hard to identify if you haven't felt it, so most of the people in the club settled for giving her a sideways glance and putting a bit of distance between themselves and her.

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