65) Oh, He's Not Happy

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  I yawned and smacked my lips when the real world started breaking through my consciousness.

  I feel okay.

  If there wasn't the pain engulfing my body, I'd say I was great.

  I got my friends back, we destroyed the hell hole, and hopefully a bunch of the hybrids inside(this isn't the end, and we all know it, but it's still a victory), and I got to SLEEP in Wolfie's comfy, shirtless arms. It's a pretty good thing to wake up to.

"Well look who's finally awake."

I froze.

Uh oh, He doesn't sound too happy.

  Of course he's not too happy, I broke his neck.

. . . Maybe I should just pretend to still be asleep.

"You know I know you're awake, right?"

D@mn it Wolfie! Why do you always have to ruin everything?

"No, I was sleep yawning," I responded, still with my eyes closed.

"Oh, sleep yawning. Even after two days of sleeping?" I could imagine him raising his eyebrow.

My eyes shot open, "Two days?!"

"Yep," Happy cut in.

I looked back at Wolfie in bewilderment and for confirmation.

Has he been carrying me for two days?

"Mhm," he answered my silent question, "and you're lucky you're a cute sleeper, or else I would have left your lying @ss behind," he glared straight ahead.

I immediately felt a pang of guilt.

"I'm sorry about that," I mumbled, looking down.

"Oh, about what? Snapping my neck or tricking me into letting my guard down with you?" I flinched at his tone.

"Both," I whispered.

"It's fine, I should have known better," he said.

Everyone seemed to go even quieter after that.

I looked up at his face, hurt, "No, I —"

"Yes," he cut me off.

I felt the ball growing in my throat. I tried to push out of his arms, but he tightened his grip around me.

. . . At least I know he doesn't absolutely hate me. He's just hurt. . . I betrayed the little trust we built in each other, of course he's hurt.

"Hey man, what if that was your sister in that rubble," Brandon glared at Wolfie.

"I wouldn't have done things the way she did them," he answered curtly.

Now I felt the tears stinging my eyes.

"Then what would you have done?! No one else wanted to come back, including you. What was she supposed to do?!" Rose clapped back.

"I wouldn't have snapped her f*cking neck!" He snapped in their direction.

"Well what else would you have done then?!" She pressed.

"I would have just left!" He yelled at them as I flinched every time he spoke.

"And what if she wouldn't let you?" Brandon furrowed his eyebrows angrily.

"Then I would have taken her with me," Wolfie's grip tightened around me.

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