24) Falling Wayyyy Down

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***Maria's POV***

"Are we there yet?"

"I swear to the goddess Maria, if you ask me that one more time, I will throw you out of this car," Wolfie growled.

"Uugghhh, but it smells like DOG in here! I feel like passing out from the fumes," I put my hand on my head and started swaying in my spot in the back seat dramatically.

"That would be a mercy," Wolfie grumbled.

I scoffed loudly, "Rude."

  We are on our way to Wolfie's pack, and he is being a douche, as usual.

He's sitting in the passenger seat next to the driver, and has me in the back.

I guess anything other than the front seat is below him.

Which is unfortunate, because his heavenly scent next to me would do just fine in distracting me from the other scents in here that are less than heavenly.

I don't get how he smells so absolutely delicious, while also being one of those dogs.

The power of the mate bond, I suppose.

It's freaking scary.

  . . . I'm hesitant to say more on the subject of our little excursion because, I feel like it would be like excepting or even approving of the situation if I said I was nervous to meet his parents.

So I won't say it.

But crap I'm nervous to meet his parent.

It's so weird, it's like I have this pit of nerves in my stomach that they won't like me. That a couple of STRANGERS won't like me. Like I really really want their approval, and that's not normal for me. You're lucky if I take even a second to think about your opinion, let alone actually care.

Well, when it comes to my supposed-to-be-enemies anyway. My capacity to give a crap what they think automatically goes to about 0.0003% if they're on the other side.

  Right now, it's at about a 102.

  And my resting with normal people, even on my side, is like a 30!

  This is not okay!

I'm freakin out!

Internally, of course.

  But still freakin out!

I don't know how I'm supposed to get the point across that this whole take-over-thing is coming to an end whether it's by their hand or mine, while trying to impress them.

  This is going to be stressful.

  At least Wolfie had a reason to remember to let me shower! That's a win.

  I mean, people like us don't sweat much at all, especially considering I've been sitting on my butt for that last. . . Holy crap how long has it even been?

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