50) Seeing Red

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***Maria's POV***

I gave the hybrid his knife back.

Right between the eyes.

I felt a slight twinge somewhere deep in my chest, but I'm good at ignoring it by now.

I honestly hate taking life. I really do. Even the worst people I have a bit of trouble with.

Even after everything they've done to me, it's hard to kill them.

Because the moon goddess cursed me with a conscience, d@mnit.

I don't know why. Not many other pure bloods seem to have one.

But I do.

So whenever it appears necessary to take someone's life, I'm always confronted with. . .

Who do you think you are? You're not the goddess. Why do you decide who deserves to live or die? EVERYONE deserves a second chance.

From my heart and. . .

I can decide because life's not about 'deserve'. It's about who's strong enough to take what they want. To do what they need to survive.

And it's not an option to let the bad guys get what they want, that'd be the end of the world as we know it, so it's up to us to be stronger, even when we're totally not.

From my brain.

  It's not fun at all.

I heard the thunderous growling from everyone around me.

Oh, yeah. Back to fighting for our lives.

More hybrids popped out of the foliage.

Now there are six of them surrounding us.

  There are seven of us.

  I know they're technically the ones outnumbered. . . But that ratio doesn't give us good chances.

  Three of the hybrids turned into their wolf forms and the others stayed as vampires with their fangs out.

  Then they pounced.

  "Run!" I yelled.

  Everyone broke out into a sprint.

  "Shouldn't we stay and fight?" Happy questioned, running beside me. "Six less hybrids for us to worry about."

  "Oh don't worry, we won't make it far before they catch up and we're forced to fight. I just wanted to make it to this clearing and —"

  Happy and I had to drop to our stomachs to dodge the hybrid in wolf form flying over our heads. Eyes glowing blue and deadly mouth in a viscous snarl.

  We hopped back up and got into a fighting stance. Happy shifted, and so did Wolfie and Stephan.

I didn't let myself look at Wolfie's fighting form, I don't have time to be distracted.

  Moon goddess, please don't let any of us die.

  A hybrid still in "human" form set her sights on me. And smiled. A hungry, predatory smile.

  Alright, let's get this party started.

  I smiled back.

•••Jason's POV•••

  Holy s**t these f**kers are fast.

  One of the bigger mutts made it from 30 feet away to nearly biting my leg off in a second.

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