54) Dreams

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  It's my turn to hide and Sophie's turn to seek.

I giggled quietly as I climbed the tree as silently as I could to avoid Sophie, my favorite cousin/bestie (just don't tell Brandon and Rosy), hearing me from her counting place a few feet away.

  I'm a whole 4 months older than Sophie and an entire 3 inches taller, so there's no way my mear 7 and a quarter year old bestie can compete with my 7 and a half year old tree climbing skills. She won't even think to look up here for me.

  She was almost done counting to 25 when I heard some rustling in the opposite direction.

  I looked to see what animal it was, because something smelled a little funny, but she finished counting and all my attention went back to her.

  She walked right past me and I covered my mouth to hide my giggles.

  She kept looking. Picking things up and checking under them, and around bushes.

  When she looked utterly confused, I laughed and called down to her, "Do you give up?!"

  She turned to me startled, then a smile grew on her face, "There you are!"

  I laughed loudly as I clumsily climbed down the tree. "I win!"

  "Yeah, yeah," She waved me off, "but I'm about to find the best hiding spot ever. You'll never find me." She grinned cockily.

  I smiled back and covered my eyes. "One!"

  I heard her run off.

  Twenty four seconds passed. . .

  "Twenty five!" I finished counting. "Ready or not! Here I come!"

  A few minutes passed.

  "Wow!" I yelled to her in no particular direction, "this really is a good hiding spot," I laughed.

  A few more passed.

  "Can I have a hint?" I asked her.

  I got nothing in return.

  "Alright" I giggled, "that's just gonna make it even cooler when I find you."

  A lot more passed.

  I started getting uneasy but pushed it away. She did say she came up with the best hiding spot.

  . . . But how did she make it so I couldn't smell her. . ?

  An hour passed.

  Wow! She's so good at this! It's only taken this long for one of us to find each other once, and it was when I kept switching hiding spots to get away from her.

  That must be what she's doing.

  An hour and a half. . .

  "Okay Sophie," I laughed.

  I can't believe she hid this good.

  "I give up, you win."


  I rolled my eyes but was still smiling, "C'mon Sophie, you already won I can't find you."

  Even more nothing.

  My heart picked up a bit.

  Calm down Maria. She's just messing with you, I told myself.

  But I'm still scared.

  "Sophie, c'mon, it's almost dinner, our parents will be mad if we don't go inside." I tried to lure her out.

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