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Wolfie pounced and I was ready for it.

I knew he'd be going for the neck, he hadn't gotten the chance to mark me in wolf form.

And he still won't today.

I caught him by the throat and threw him down.

  I wish this wasn't happening right now.

  He came back for more, and I fought him off.

  I wish he would just love me.

  I maneuvered around his snapping jaws.

  I was taken from scavenging and brought to my own house to find him.

  He missed a step and I sent a harsh kick to his stomach.

  He took me to a Gala just to show off his win.

  He charged again and I rolled out of the way.

  He dragged me around my own house.

  He miscalculated and I landed a blow to the side of his head.

  He messes with my feelings.

  Kisses me to get what he wants.

  Marks me forcefully.

  . . . And he's trying to do it again.

  I HATE him.

  I took an aggravated breath through my nose.

  . . . Oh s**t.

  "You're bleeding," I muttered.

//Brandon's POV\\

  Oh f**k.

  Jason's bleeding.

  And Maria's his pure blood vampire mate.

  This is not going to end well.

  Maria started visibly panicking but she tried to keep calm.

  I shot a look at Rose.

  She's thinking what I'm thinking.

  Maria pushed away from Jason and created some distance between them.

  Jason still wasn't done with the fight though.

  He's going to get himself killed.

  Then Maria's going to be a mess.

  "Wait, no. Stop." Maria put up a shaky hand.

  Oh f**k, she's practically already over the edge, one more nudge and —

  Jason charged.

  He just dug his grave.

  Maria put up her hands and flung him into a tree.

  She stumbled back into a huge bolder.

  When she brought her hand back it was covered in his blood from a wound the hybrids left.

Big Bad WolfieWhere stories live. Discover now