38) I lost Him

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Screw the fireworks, an atomic bomb went off.

When he put his lips on mine, everything was blown away. The way he practically devoured me had my head spinning.

Holy crap, I'm either about to pass out or explode.

He kissed me like he was angry. Angry at everything but me.

He bit down on my lip, drawing blood.

Okay, maybe he's a little angry at me.

"I think you're beautiful," He growled as he picked up his pace running his hands along my back.

  His touch feels urgent. Like he needs me to understand what he really thinks of my ugliest parts.

  My heart flutters as the realization keeps hitting me over and over, and every time it gets better.

  Wolfie is kissing me and just called me beautiful.

  Wolfie is kissing me and just called me beautiful!

  What does this mean?

  Does it mean he loves me? That he wants to be mates the right way? That he wants to drop this whole thing and —

  My train of thought was interrupted by his honey voice. "Why are you doing this to yourself?" He mumbled against my mouth.

  At this point, I'm out of breath and overwhelmed, so my answer comes out breathy and unsure, "W-what?" I didn't even open my eyes to say it.

  "Why are you so adamant about going and seeking out the hybrids? After everything they've done to you. You should be staying as far away from them as possible. Let me handle this one," he clung to me tighter.

  I had to take in a short breath.

  That's not what I wanted him to say.

  Doesn't he get it?

  Because of my past with them, I need to go find them.

  I need to make sure they can't kidnap and torture anyone else for two years, or orphan any more kids, or take any more children away from parents, or mates from mates.

  I know how bad they are. How evil.

  That's why I have to track them down and stop them.

  But instead of saying any of that, I just shrugged weakly under his intense gaze.

  He growled and gripped my arms tightly, "Maria, you need to take these things seriously."

  Oh, of course, we're back to this now.

  . . . I had him.

  Or at least I thought I did.

  Surely seemed like I did.

  The way he was holding me. Loving on me.

All traces of that seem to have evaporated into thin air.

  . . . Was all of this just to manipulate me? . . That's the only reason I can think of to explain his sudden switch.

  Did he somehow learn my story and figure making me relive it would put me off going on the search?!

  And then he only kissed me to get me wrapped around his f**king finger!

  I just f**king poured my heart out! I just showed him the most vulnerable parts of me, and it was all for this game of his.

Big Bad WolfieOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora