31) Sorta Kinda Immune

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•••Jason's POV•••

  "What the h3ll did you do?" Zach asked me when he met us at the door of the Master House.

During the car ride back, Maria went from looking like I ripped her heart out to like I danced on her grave.

Meaning, she went from sad puppy to angry pit bull.

  The second we got back to the Main House she stormed to her room, not sparing me a glance. Bruno and Claire followed after her to make sure she actually got there and stayed there.

I felt like the biggest idiot in the world when she sat in the car staring out the window with tears in her eyes. She didn't look at me once.

I didn't mean what I said.

I mean. . . I do wish she was a little less difficult, but. . . But. . .

D@mn, I'm an @sshole. There are no buts.

  But the feeling of crippling guilt only lasted until her expressionless, tear stained face changed into a glare.

  It got a little easier to see where I was coming from. . . But it didn't justify enough for me to be able to forgive myself for what I said.

  Her crying face is imprinted in my mind forever.

  The way her expression dropped when I said all those terrible things sends a spear through my heart every time I look back on it.

  F**k, she was so sad. And now she's so pissed.

  'She's never gonna talk to us again.'

  Don't say that.

  "We got into fight," I responded shortly to Zach.

  He looked to where Maria stormed off, "What did you do?" He asked again.

I shook my head, "You just assume it was my fault?"

  He raised a brow.

  ". . . I mean, I may have implied she was a mistake."


"What?! What do you care?" I don't need this. I'm already hating myself for it. I messed up.


We messed up.


But it's not that big of a deal. She'll forgive me and be fine.

"Do you want my response as your beta or your best friend?" He raised a brow.

"Well, you're my beta because you're my best friend, so —"

"Great, best friend it is then. Dude, you need to get your s**t together, or else you're gonna die alone," He told me bluntly.

"What the f**k, man?"

"What? As your best friend, it's my job to be honest with you. And you're messing everything up with the literal perfect girl for you."

"Trust me, you don't know how difficult she can be," I grumbled, rubbing my temples.

"Fine, but how come I'm the one who already knows how awesome she can be and you're over here acting like you only see the bad in her? Sorry man, but you're the @sshole in the relationship, not her."


He put his hands up in surrender, "Sorry bro, it's part of the best friend code we made when we were seven. If one of us is out of line with a girl, we've gotta call each other out on it."

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