37: Last Glance

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"Awsten, take Kellin and get out," Vic says. Awsten pats my shoulder and I stand up. He nods toward the door and leads me out. 

"Wait, Tay's still in here," I say, turning around, Vic doesn't look angry, or sad, or anything. He looks dull. 

"She's with Jenna, she just reported it, let's bring you someplace safe," Awsten says comfortingly. He brings me to a car. "Patty, make sure Kellin doesn't do anything stupid, okay?" He sighs. 

Patty nods and Awsten jogs away. 

"I saw what happened, are you okay?" Patty asks, looking back at the screens. He taps his earpiece. "I don't have eyes on Sebastian or Ronnie," he says before glancing back at me. 

"For the most part, yeah," I answer. "His death is my fault though. I should have just... Stayed away."

He smiles. "Vic, Jaime, everyone knew you were there." 

"They did?" I raise an eyebrow. "How?"

"I saw you and Tay run into the warehouse. It's literally my job to tell them that. And by the way, it isn't your fault." 

I shrug. "Feels like it." I stare at the screens. "What's happening?" 

"Well, Vic is going after Emerson, Jaime's doing the same. Awsten and Andy are going after Sebastian and Ronnie. Most people are at the road, fighting a bunch of crew members and shit. Jenna and Tay will be here any second." 

That's when the door opens. Patty grabs his gun and sees Jenna he places the gun back on the table and welcomes them in. 

"I have to go help find Emerson before he gets hurt. I'm leaving Tay here with you, alright?" Jenna speaks. Patty nods and she runs out. 

I find myself watching the screens. "Wait, what's that?" I point to a corner of one of the screens. 

"Huh," he mumbles. "Damnit, I'm going to get replaced," he laughs. He touches his earpiece. "Shinoda, on your left, behind the crate. I have eyes on two people." 

Mike turns and shoots two people. I can't help but flinch from the sound. 

"I didn't realize it was kill first, ask later," I mutter. 

"I'm sorry Kellin. It's the only way. We'd rather kill enemies than die. If we could ask first, we would, and I think you know that," he sighs and turns back to the screens. 

I sigh and lean my back against the chair. Tay stares out the window. "Is everyone going to be okay?" She asks softly. "On this side, of course."

"I sure hope so," Patty answers. "Oh, Preciado, on your right." 

I look over and see Vic run into a room with Jaime. I stare at the screen when a group of people run into the room. 

"Those are our people, right?" I ask worriedly. "Vic and Jaime are going to be okay?" 

Jaime shouts and a gun goes off. Patty clicks his earpiece. 

"Vic, hide behind the red crate, Jaime keep shooting, they saw you, not Vic. Vic stays quiet for a minute."

"Oh my god," I grip the chair. Tay comes over to me and places her hand on my arm. 

"Vic, hit the guy, 3." 

Vic shoots the guy and goes back down. Jaime pulls out a second gun. I gasp when the screen goes black. 

"Damnit!" Patty shouts. He types on the keyboard. He groans. "Jenna, Awsten, get to room 3b. Vic and Jaime went in and the camera was shot." 

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