22. Rascal

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"Bob Bryar," Jaime speaks to Bob. Technically, I'm not supposed to be here, so they had to put a bag over my head while coming in. Vic was seriously against that but eventually stopped arguing when I said I was fine and grabbed his hand. 

"You're a fucking traitor, you know that? You have an entire operation against you, and now that we have you here, your friends are going to be against you too, so you might as well fucking talk and get away with some nice jail time."

Bob laughs and spits on the table. 

Jaime looks completely unfazed. "I don't care what happens. You will go to a cell and rot. But if you talk, maybe you won't have to be chained up inside the cell. And maybe, they'll let you out a few times year for some sunlight. And maybe you'll get a visitor once a year." 

"Why should I talk? I know that you won't give me shit. All you care about is that I hurt your precious boy-toy. Or is he Vic's?" He laughs. "Maybe all of you. Maybe he's just the group slut." 

Vic immediately goes furious. He stiffens and glares through the glass at Bob. I grab his arm, a desperate attempt to calm him down and prevent him from breaking Bob in half with his own two hands.

A flash of anger flashes through Jaime's eyes, but he quickly regains composure. "Alright then, how about this, I won't let rabid dogs into your cell once a day." 

Bob slowly loses his confidence. "You can't do that." 

"Well fuck, you think I can't? I can do whatever the hell I fucking want," Jaime leans in closer. "So why don't you tell me, what is Jeuse's plan?" 

Bob rolls his eyes and shrugs. "I don't know." 

Jaime slams a fist on the table, but Bob doesn't react. "Listen here, you son of a bitch, I know you know something. Now talk." 

"I'm being completely honest. I don't know. All he said was to capture or kill Kellin Bostwick." 

I stiffen at the name. Vic turns and gives me a sad look. 

"We can leave. We don't have to be here," Vic says. 

I shake my head. "No. I need to know." 

"What does Jeuse want with Kellin?" Jaime asks. 

Bob shrugs again. "He probably wants a casual fuck. Who knows?" 

Vic's eyes widen and he grips my hand. Thank god, because if he didn't, I would. 

Tony walks over and sets something up. He catches my eye and smiles. "Lie detector," he explains. 

"Jaime, ask him if he knows anything," Tony speaks into the comm system. 

"Do you know anything about his plans?" Jaime repeats after Tony. 

"No, how many times do I need to tell you that?" Bob snaps. 

Tony stares at the detector. "He's lying." 

"I know you're lying," Jaime shouts, after listening to Tony. 

Bob lets out another laugh. "So what?" 

Jaime's expression goes from angry to furious. He slams his fist against the table again. "Tell me, or I swear to God I will make your life miserable."

"What is going on?" A man with a deep voice asks, walking over. I turn around and see a tall man, with jet-black hair and icy-blue eyes. 

"Well, Preciado is trying to get information," Tony starts. "But so far, Bryar is giving us nothing." 

"Yes, but why is Mr. Quinn here?" The man asks, staring at me. Vic turns and sighs. 

"Because he deserves to know what's going on. He is the one in the middle of all of this," Vic explains. The man nods. 

"Alright. I understand that." He clears his throat. "I'm Andy Biersack. I'm the leader of this entire organization. Not just this singular mission, but all of them. It had come to my attention on how dire this one is," he looks back at Bob. "I should have known. I was a fool to think he could be redeemed." 

"What?" I speak up. 

"After the incident with Fuentes, Preciado, and Perry, I should have condemned him into redoing his training, but instead, I allowed him back into the field. We were short on agents due to the undercover missions, and I needed one out there. So... I let him go with minimal punishments."  

"Sir, with all due respect. Don't blame yourself. Even if he had to redo, he'd still go after Kellin. It would just have pushed it back a few months," Vic says. 

Andy shakes his head. "I would have known by then." 

"No one got hurt. I don't think this is that bad," I sigh. "Besides, at least we know, and we're questioning him." 

Andy eyes me oddly. "You know. I find it very peculiar that you're taking all this so... lightly. I'd think one would be traumatized." 

"Well, I have a lot more to be traumatized about," I shrug. "Besides, I'm just glad I did something right. At least I was able to keep him there until someone could arrive." 

"Awsten had called us," Vic speaks up. "He said that you were in trouble, and that's why we got there so quickly. The second we heard, Jaime stepped the peddle to the floor to get to you quicker." 

"I left Awsten on the call so he could listen in." 

"Awsten... As in Awsten Knight?" Andy asks, giving Vic a look. Vic nods. "Well... Seems Awsten is doing quite well," he clears his throat. "I'll leave you two. But please, if you need anything," Andy speaks directly at Vic. 

Vic nods. "Thank you, sir." 

"Vic... Kellin...?" 

I turn and see Tony staring wide-eyed at the glass. 

Vic and I rush over, Andy right behind us. 

Bob stares right at the glass, blood pouring down his chin. "You thought this agency is airtight..." he spits blood onto the floor.

I spot Jaime, with fury in his eyes, rubbing his knuckles, which have fresh blood on them, and are split. 

"You think you can trust everyone?" Bob looks directly at me. I stare to feel small. I know he can't actually see me, but it's the thought that he might. 

"Well then, think again." 

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