21. Returning Lovers

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Tony never told me when Vic would come back, so the minute I woke up, I got ready. I don't want Vic to come back and see me sleeping.

I start making breakfast when my phone rings again.

I grab it and answer it without checking the number.

"We're on the way," Tony says. "And Vic's here too."

"Okay, thank you!" I turn off the stove and set the table. I place a white rose in the center and let out a sigh.

My phone rings when theres a knock on the door. I pull out my phone and walk to the door.

"KELLIN. DON'T OPEN THE DOOR." I hear Awsten scream into the phone.

I jump back from the door, but I realize that I had twisted the doorknob.

The door slams open.

"Kellin?" Awsten repeats again.

The man raises a gun. "Kellin Quinn Bostwick."

"KELLIN?" Awsten shouts.

"Who are you?" I speak slowly.

"DAMN IT, KELLIN," Awsten curses.

"Doesn't matter," the man smirks. "Sit down," he steps forward.

"I'm going to die anyway. Why don't you just tell me your name?" I ask, sounding as innocent as possible. I have my phone in a place where he won't see it.

"Bob Bryar," he laughs.

That name sounds familiar- oh.

"You're the one that got Vic hurt," I speak, avoiding his eye contact. If I meet his eyes right now, I'll just punch him.

Maybe that wouldn't be so bad.

"Damn straight. I've been trying to get them killed, at least I got them injured. I will never forget that beautiful face of pain that struck Fuentes," he laughs.

I clench my fist and stand up. He jumps and stares in shock before raising his gun. "Don't you dare talk about him like that."

He laughs again and clicks a bullet into the chamber, instantly shutting me up.

"I'm supposed to bring you alive. But he's going to kill you either way," he starts. "So... Maybe I'll take pity on you."

"That doesn't make you a better person," I spit. "Bring me alive. I want to see what will happen next?"

He rolls his eyes. "Oh yeah? You wanna watch what happens next?" He huffs. "Fine, I'm going to kill you right here. You're going to leave blood on the couch. I'm going to take you to your father, and he'll do whatever he feels like doing." He walks over and straddles my legs.

My breath hitches in my throat as he gets closer to me. I feel the gun press against my chest.


I look up and see Vic, Tony, and Jaime with their guns pointed at Bob. Bob laughs but doesn't move.

"I hope you realize," he starts. "If you shoot me, you'll shoot Mr. Kellin Bostwick."

Vic glares at Bob. He still looks rather pale, but that could be from the current situation.

Tony rolls his eyes and shoots.

Bob screams and grabs at his arm. He drops the gun and I grab it. I aim it at his head.

"Kellin, don't. We need information from him-" Vic starts.

"Get off me," I grunt. He slowly steps off me. "Turn around."

He does.

"On your knees, slowly."

He slowly lowers to his knees, physically trembling.

"Kellin..." I hear Vic speak.

I lift the gun and slam it down against him. He immediately crumples to the ground, going unconscious.

"Kellin," Vic rushes over to me. I note the slight limp in his step. I meet him halfway and throw my arms around him.

"You made it," I sigh. "You came back."

"Of course I did," he laughs. "How could I leave you?"

Tony and Jaime walk over to Bob to handcuff him. Jaime lets out a chuckle. "Kellin, what did you do to him?" He asks, staring at the bump on Bob's head.

I shrug. Vic wraps an arm around my waist and lets me lean against him. I pull my phone out and bring it to my ear.

"Kellin. You seriously need some listening skills. What part of don't open the door don't you understand?" Awsten scolds.

"Whatever," I roll my eyes. "See ya tomorrow," I grin. Vic gives me a look.

"Kellin don't you dare hang u-"

I hang up and toss the phone to the couch.

"Well," Jaime looks between Vic and me. "I'll leave ya to it," he smirks and walks away. Tony follows after him.

"Shut up, Jaime!" Vic calls as they slam the door closed.

Vic turns to me, giving me a worried look.

"Did Bob touch you in any way? I saw how he was- and how close he was to you- did-?"

"No, he didn't. He just wanted to scare me, that's all," I shrug. "So, how about you? Are you okay?"

He smiles. "Darling, I've dealt with worse. I'm fine. Besides, I just wanted to get back to you quicker. I also hate hospitals."

I feel my cheeks go hot. "Uh- I have breakfast made," I purse my lips and stare at my feet.

He lifts my chin and my eyes meet his. He picks me up and sits down, placing me on his lap.

I wrap my arms around his neck for support. He smiles and gazes into my eyes. "Is it bad that I missed you so much for those few days?"

I lean into his ear. "I missed you too," I whisper. I hear his breath hitch and he wraps his arms around my waist tightly, holding me against him.

He slowly starts kissing my neck, my heart beating faster, and faster. He gently sucks on one spot. I feel his thumb rubbing against my shirt, against my skin. I gasp when he moves. His hand feeling up my shirt. His finger traces my spine and I shiver.

"Vic-" I gasp again. He pulls away and gives me a warm look.

He kisses the skin on my collarbone before finding a spot and sucking on it. I let out a soft moan and he hums against my skin.

My breathing pattern goes uneven when his hand rests on my hipbone. He smiles against my skin and pulls away again.

His fingers play with the hem of my shirt. He looks down and lifts my shirt slightly. "Can I take this off?" He asks, in a deep voice. My heart flutters and I nod. He slowly trails it up my body before throwing it off. He sets it on the couch before kissing my chest.

He suddenly flips us onto the couch so that he's straddling my hips.

I bite my lower lip and his eyes widen. He stares at me for a little bit, making me grow rather self-conscious.

"You're beautiful," he whispers. I stare at him, wide-eyed. "You're so fucking beautiful," he smiles and leans down, kissing my stomach lightly.

"I love you," he mumbles close to my ear. "You know that?"

I gulp and nod slowly. He presses a kiss to my neck again. My brain suddenly rewires, and I'm able to move again.

I grab him by the collar of his shirt and force him closer to me.

"I love you too," I speak into his ear before kissing him.

First Glance (Kellic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin