1. First Glance

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"Are you coming or not, you lightweight?" Nick bangs on my apartment door. "Come on! You won't have to drink that much if you don't want to?" He pounds on the door again. 

I frantically pull on my denim jacket and open the door, only to have Nick hit my chest. "Ow," I groan, dramatically rubbing the area he hit. He laughs and nudges my shoulder. "Also, did you call me a lightweight?"

"Babe, you are a lightweight," he winks. "But hey, maybe you'll find a girlfriend! That would be great, yeah?" He shoots me a grin. "Maybe then you'll stop having to masturbate every night!" 

"Nick," I groan, rolling my eyes. "I don't masturbate every night- hell, I've never masturbated, you know why? Because I'm not some horny boy that just needs rough sex every fucking night," I clear my throat, "unlike someone." 

"Hey!" He slaps my arm. "Whatever, I can practically smell your virgin blood," he shoots back. "Anyway, we should get going before the guys think we doing each other," he teases and turns around, walking down the hall. 

I roll my eyes muttering, "asshole," under my breath as I lock the door behind me, pocketing the keys. I pick up my pace and walk beside him. "My mom called. She says that he'll be released in two months." 

"Shit, Kellin. Why didn't you say anything? Are you okay?" He bombards me with way too many questions all at the same time. "Why is he getting released anyways? He's a bastard." 

"That's what I thought. I'm fine, but I guess subconsciously, I hope that he gets run over as soon as he leaves the prison," I speak bitterly. "He's a dick that deserves life in that cell." 

We enter the elevator and he pushes the button to the first floor. Nick turns and faces me, placing both hands on my shoulders. "If he even tries to contact you, I swear I will find him and break him in half. And I'm sure the other guys will too if you told them." 

"First of all, if you break him in half, you'll be charged with murder, and I don't wanna lose my best friend. Secondly, you know I don't want the rest of them to be dragged into this mess that is my life. Besides, he's on parole. He isn't legally allowed to contact me, my brother, my sister, or my mom. If he does, he goes straight back to his cell for another five years." 

"Well, if you say so," he sighs as the doors open. We walk to my car in silence. In fact, the entire ride is silent. This topic always seemed to make the air thick. 

I've known Nick since middle school, and somehow we both ended up in SDSU. (Or San Diego State University). Which, thank god, because my introverted ass would have never gone out to actually make friends. 

The car slows to a stop and we get out, entering the local bar. As soon as we walk in, I notice Brendon dancing along with a crowd with drunk, sweaty people. 

"Hey!" Alex is the first to get up and greet us. Jack waves from behind him. "Tyler's in the bathroom and Brendon is..." he trails off and turns to Brendon, grinding against another guy. "Being Brendon Urie."

"What's new," I tease, taking a seat. Nick slides into the one next to me, sparking a conversation immediately. "How are classes treating you so far?" I place my elbow on the table and rest my head on my hand. 

"Too much chaos to tell- I just can't believe we didn't have the school bonfire. We had one last year, right?" Alex starts. 

"And the year before that," Jack adds on, sipping his drink. "I think everyone just got tired of having a big-ass fire with a bunch of drunk college students. At least ten people will get some kind of burns." 

"How are you not drunk yet?" Alex teases, nudging Jack's shoulder with his own. "You're usually with Brendon, drunk as hell and probably on the verge of throwing up." 

First Glance (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now