24: Meeting the Devil

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"Should I ever learn to shoot a gun?" I ask, cutting the silence that fell between us when we got back to my apartment. I'm laying on the couch, with my head on Vic's lap. 

"No, please don't," he sighs and strokes my hair. "I really don't want you to shoot yourself." 

I roll my eyes. "I won't shoot myself, I'm not that dumb." 

"Fine," he huffs. "I really don't want you to shoot me."

He pulls out his phone. "Yes- what do you want?" 

He pauses and goes stiff. "He did what now?" 

I sit up and stare at him. Vic's face goes from calm to confused to scared.

"Vic?" I grab his free hand, giving him a small squeeze. He looks up at me. 

"Thank you," he says before hanging up. He sighs and puts his phone away. "Tony was sent on a mission to get over to the other side, and basically... The lost communication with him." 

I let go of his hand. "Is Tony in trouble?" I stutter. "Vic, is Tony in trouble?" 

"I guess we just have to wait and see," he sighs and wraps his arms around me. "Don't worry about him. He's tougher than he seems." 

I nod and bury my face into his chest. "I'm supposed to go to class today," I point out. He sighs and lets me go. 

"Okay. I was supposed to work on something anyway," he shrugs. "Go," he juts his head to the door. 

I smile and peck his lips before slinging my bag over my shoulder and running out the door. 


"Alright, so, did you see Mr. Carlile today? He seemed super tense," Alex says when I sit on the bench, after class ended. 

"Yeah? Maybe he's just having a bad day." 

"I heard that he's under speculation," Jack smiles. "Apparently, he has relations with a student." 

"Really?" I furrow my eyebrows. "Doesn't seem like something Mr. Carlile would do. Are you sure?" 

Jack nods. Nick gives him a look. 

"So, Justin had to leave early because something happened between Jack and Matty, but he said that he wishes he could have said goodbye before he did. I guess it was just really important," Nick speaks. 

"Have any of you seem Brendon?" Tyler points out. 

We all look around for our weed-addicted friend. Realizing that none of us have seen him all day. 

Tyler pulls out his phone. 

"Brendon what- what's the noise?" Tyler asks. Everyone goes dead silent. "Shit, what?" Tyler hits the speaker button. 

"Well, my car exploded..." He starts. 

I feel my stomach twist. 

"I got out just in time. The police and firepeople came."

"Are you okay?" I speak up. 

"Yeah. Just... My heart is still going crazy. I'm lucky as shit to have gotten out before it exploded. The lady just said that you can meet me outside the precinct... Someone come, please. I don't have anything and I'm kind of about to lose my mind." 

"Of course we'll all-"

My phone goes off. 

"Hello?" I speak into the phone. 

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