28: Familiar Faces

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Back to Kellin's POV

"Are you okay?" Alex asks the second he sees me. Vic tried to make the moring easier for me, but none of it helped. I'm caught up in the fact that no one around me is safe. 

And that killing myself would be easier. 

"Just... Didn't sleep well," I answer. 

"Oh?" Alex gives me a look. "Look, I can tell it's something deeper than that." I want to tell him. I want to tell Alex everything, but I can't. I know I can't. Doing that would not only put him in danger but everyone in the agency. 

"I also forgot to write the essay for Mr. Carlile," I answer. 

"Ah, yes. So did I. It's alright, who cares? It's one essay. You can have a break you know," he answers, giving me a soft smile. Jack walks over and kisses Alex's cheek. 

"So, how's Brendon?" I ask. 

"He's fine. Not even a scratch. Basically, there was a leak, and the car went up in flames. Good thing he wasn't in the car," Jack explains. Alex nods along. "Our Brenny boy's gonna live to have another fuck." 

Alex scrunches up his nose. "Literally did not need to say that," Alex groans. Jack just laughs. Alex shakes his head at Jack's pure stupidity. 

"What's up, my guy?" Tyler asks, sitting now next to me, his hand on my shoulder. I stare at him. 

"The sky," Jack replies from across the table. Tyler turns and throws a pen at him. Jack yelps. "NOT THE FACE!" He whines. 

Tyler chuckles and turns back to me. "Woah, you're really pale. And that's saying something," he presses the back of his hand to my forehead. "Are you okay?" 

"He forgot to write an essay, and he's flipping out," Alex speaks. Tyler rolls his eyes. Alex shrugs and turns back to Jack, who has a dot of ink on his cheek. "Jack, what the fuck?" Alex mutters. Jack turns to Alex and whispers something. Alex's eyes widen, and he goes red. 

"What?" I speak up. Alex glances at me. 

"Nothing, nothing," Alex mumbles weakly. He gasps and looks back at Jack. 

Tyler and I share a glance. 

Jack leans in close to Alex and whispers something again. Alex nods frantically. Jack smirks and picks Alex up and walks away. 

Then Tyler bursts out laughing. 

"What?" I groan. 

"Did you see Alex?" Tyler speaks between laughs. The fucking bulge in his pants?" He slams his hand on the table, laughing his ass off. 

I let out a soft laugh. "Do you think Jack-"

"I know Jack did it," Tyler cuts me off, still laughing. 

"Hey, boys," a voice speaks. Tyler stops and turns around. I gasp when I see her. "So, Kellin, there's something really important, we have to go now," she speaks. I turn to Tyler. 

"Are you cheating on Vic?" He whispers. 

"No, this is a... friend of Vic's," I explain quickly. The lady rolls her eyes. "I gotta go. I'll see you later," I stand up. Tyler shrugs and nods. 

She grabs my wrist and we run over to the parking lot, behind a large van. 

"Okay, Kellin. We got word that someone is watching you in the school. She looks like this," Tay says, picking up a piece of paper. "We don't have a name or anything. Just be aware with her, okay?" 

I nod and she opens the van door. I see Awsten sitting in it with a laptop on his lap. "Hey, Kells," he smiles at me. I smile back and walk into the van, sitting down. Tay closes it and moves over to the passenger seat. 

"So... I think it's time you found out for sure," a voice says. He sounds so familiar. He turns around and I gasp. 

"Oliver?" I speak. Tay and Awsten share a glance, Awsten stifles a laugh. 

"Actually, people call me Oli," he shoots a glare at Awsten. "I work with Vic and his close team on usual occasions. I guess this one is just weird because usually everyone is on different ones. Awsten is usually with another team. Shinoda and Hahn are on another. It's all quite weird with this one." 

I find myself struggling for words. "Okay," I answer softly. He chuckles. He still has that accent. 

"Let's go. Vic's waiting for us, Oli speaks. He turns the key and starts the car. 


"Alright, I want half of you to work on Perry's case. And half of you to work on the stalker. We don't have much time," Andy speaks to a group of people. Awsten walks over to Andy and whispers something into his ear. Andy turns and stares at me with his icy-blue eyes. 

"Quinn," he greets. "I'm internally sorry for the recent news you received. With your father. I have majority of our people searching, but by now, he could be halfway across the world-"

"But he won't," I cut him off. "He wants me. He won't be dumb enough to leave the country. He gets off at terrorizing me. He knows that the second I see his face, I'll completely lose it." 

Andy nods. "As logical as it is, we can't throw away the possibility," he sighs. "So, how are you?"

"Barely keeping it together," I mutter. Andy nods in understanding. "I mean, this entire thing," I look around the building. "I've been here so many times that you don't even try to keep the location a secret anymore." 

"And I'm sorry. We're doing everything-"

"I know. And that's the problem. Because my father is smarter than we all thought. He's at least ten steps ahead of us," I spit. 

Andy sighs and turns to Awsten. "I'll be back soon," he says and walks off. Awsten pulls me into a tight hug. 

"I've been where you are. Except without the whole dad thing. I know what happened to me, and I'm going to try my damn best to make sure it doesn't happen to you, okay?" He mumbles. I nod and he pats my back softly. 

I look up and see a woman with blonde hair walking over to Andy. "Who's that?" I pull away from Awsten. He turns. 

"Oh. That's Jenna. She's like... An elite from another team. She's basically Gerard's position," he explains. "I've always heard great things about her." 

I see Gerard greet Jenna. Andy says something and she turns to me. She walks over to us. 

"Hello," she says. She has an accent, similar to Oli's, but not as much. Australian, maybe. "I'm Jenna McDougall. I'm here from another group to help you." 

I blink and shake her hand. "You probably already know me, but I'm Kellin Quinn, pleasure to meet you." 

Awsten smiles. "Did you really kill a man with a plastic fork?" 

She smiles back at him. "It was actually a plastic spoon. Stories always get mixed up," she shrugs. Awsten's eyes light up. 

"I'm Awsten Knight, I have the weirdest name in the history of names, and I'm a huge fan of you!" He grins at her. 

She laughs softly. "Well, Awsten Knight, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'll look forward to working with you," she speaks. 

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