20: Missing Out

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"Kellin? Earth to Kellin Quinn!" Alex snaps his fingers in front of my face. 

"What?" I look up and see the entire group staring at me. "Sorry, I was just thinking about... Homework." 

Jack rolls his eyes. "Yeah, well, I never think about homework." 

Alex glares at Jack. "I know. All you ever think about is fucking some random guy on the street." 

Tyler goes stiff and Brendon covers his face with his hands. Justin and Nick share a glance. 

"Uh... Did something happen while I was... Busy?" I ask, trying to break the odd tension that suddenly fell over us. 

"Yeah, why don't you tell him what happened, Jack?" Alex grunts. 

"Well, why don't you, since you're his best friend?" Jack shoots back. 

"Fine. Jack cheated on me with another guy. Just fucked him without even thinking about how I would feel," Alex spits. "Zack, isn't it?" 

"Fuck off," Jack glares back. "You didn't tell Kellin about how you decided to relapse." 

"You what?" I gasp. 

Alex looks down. "Yeah. I did." 

I sigh and wrap an arm around him. "I'm sorry, I should have been there- I just got caught up with some... Family stuff... And I just-" 

"It's okay, Kellin," Alex whispers back. "I'm sorry- I putting you through this again I just-" he sighs and glares back at Jack, who's staring at the ground. 

Jack stands up. "I should go."

"You should," Alex spits. 

"You know what? Fuck you, Alex. I was with Zack before you. I only just went back to him when you started pulling all this shit. For the week we dated, there was nothing between Zack and I." 

Alex lets out a bitter laugh. "I saw you kiss him."

"How many times do I have to tell you? He. Kissed. Me. I tried to-"

"YOU FUCKING KISSED BACK," Alex screams. He violently grabs his own sleeve and yanks it back. "DO YOU KNOW WHAT I DID?" He rips the bandages off his wrist. I gasp. It's littered with fresh cuts. 

Jack's jaw drops. "Alex, I knew that you- but I didn't realize-" 

"Well," Alex drops his arm. "Now you do." He turns on his heel and storms out of the room. 

"Alex," I stand up and rush after him. I hear a door slam and my stomach twists. We're at Jack and Alex's place, and he just-

He locked himself in the bathroom. 

"ALEX, DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE DO SOMETHING YOU'LL REGRET," I scream. I bang on the door, and desperately twist the doorknob. "ALEX." 

I hear heavy footsteps and turn to see Justin and Tyler. "He's in the bathroom and-" I bite my lip. 

"Hey," Tyler starts. 

"ALEX. OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR," Justin shouts. I jump in surprise. Justin rarely raises his voice, especially around me. When he found out about my dad, he started being really careful about that stuff. 

He gives me an apologetic look. "Sorry," he whispers. 

I shake my head. "It's okay." 

Tyler bangs on the door to the point where I'm afraid he'll break it. 

"Alex, please," I speak softer. "Please let us in." 


His weak voice shatters my heart. 

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