35: A Choice Made is a Fate Sealed

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"Kellin, Andy wants to see you," Shinoda whispers in my ear. "Good luck. He has some very important people in there and it looks very important." 

I nod and walk into the office where at least ten people turn and stare at me. "Uh, you asked for me?" I speak awkwardly, staring at the people in the room. Luckily, I know most of them, it's the ones I don't know that I worry about.

"Kellin, please take a seat next to Agent Fuentes," Andy speaks formally. I sit down and Vic glances at me. Awsten smiles at me from across the table. "You already know Fuentes, Knight, McDougall, Jardine, Way, and Preciado. Meet Walters, and Williams."

I nod at them and the guy with blond hair smiles at me. The woman gives me a warm look before turning back to Andy. 

"We've all heard from Jardine, and I didn't know Kellin knew about it until Fuentes spoke up," she glances at me. I shrug. "Anyway, we need to come to a decision." 

"I think we go," the blond says. "We hit them before they even make it into the warehouse, Tay, you said you know where the location is?" He asks. Tay nods. "So, we could hit them on their way." 

"Yes, but think about the risks. This might be a game, Bostwick has been playing with us since the start," Jenna says. "I say we think about this again, plan everything to the second."

Vic glances at me and raises an eyebrow. "What do you think?" He whispers. I nod. He looks over at Awsten, who glances over at Andy. 

Alright, secret code...

"How many believe we need to go?" Andy sighs. Jaime, Tay, Walters, and I raise our hands. I glance at Vic in confusion.

"How many believe we wait?" Jenna, Williams, and Way raise their hand. 

"Fuentes, why didn't you vote?" Andy asks. Vic smiles and stands up. 

"Because we're missing someone," he answers. Andy tilts his head in confusion. "We're talking about this, but we have someone who knows more than anyone- except maybe Jardine." 

"No, we're not using him," Walters says. "That's ridiculous, he is unstable and may turn his back on us."

"His brother is with him. He won't do that," Vic shoots back. 

Oh no. No. Fuck no.

"Sir," Vic turns to Andy. "I say we bring in Remington Leith Kropp for our final decision." 


"Hey, Kellin Quinn, right?" The blond from earlier walks up to me. "I'm Patrick Walters, everyone calls me Patty." We shake hands. 

"You already know me. Hey, how come I haven't met you yet? I figured I would have met everyone by now."

He smiles. "That's because I was with Hayley- she was introduced as Williams, in a different part of the building. We were working on associates and location tracking. Nothing really in the field."

That's when Awsten walks over. He smiles at Patty before turning to me. "Andy needs us back in the conference room," he says. 

"I guess I'll see you around. I hope next time, we're celebrating the end of all of this," he nods at me. 

"I hope so too," I mutter as he walks into the room, me being right behind him. I spot Vic... Remington and Emerson sitting next to him. Andy stares at me with his cold-blue eyes. 

"He has information about the raid," Vic speaks up. "The only thing Ms. Jardine was missing was the exact time. She had somewhere between 12 to 18'o clock. Remington says it will be at 15."

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