6. Migraines in the Head and Heart

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"FUCK!" I open my eyes and sit up. I hear Jack spitting a line of curses. I rub my eyes and step out of bed, walking out to the kitchen, where Alex is drinking a cup of coffee. 

"Is Jack okay?" I ask, sitting across from Alex. He shrugs and takes a long sip. I turn to Nick and Brendon, still dead in their sleep. "I wish I could be a deeper sleeper sometimes." 

"Kellin, honey, you are the deepest sleeper in this group, unless they," he gestures to the passed out men, sleeping away their problems, "are drunk," Alex chuckles. 

"But they're always drunk, so, therefore, your statement is incorrect," I shoot back. 

"ALEX!" Jack shouts from the bedroom. Alex rolls his eyes and grabs a cup of water and some Advil. 

"Kellin?" Nick sits up. "Nope-" he groans and lays back down. I get another cup of water and bring it over to Nick. 

"I have no clue where the Advil it, so you're just going to have to wait for Alex and Jack to stop making out."

"I heard that!" Alex shouts. 

"STOP SHOUTING!" Jack's voice shouts afterward. 

Nick lets out a soft laugh. "Have you ever been drunk, Kells?" He asks. "I can't remember, because if you were drunk, I was probably drunk too." 

I roll my eyes and sit down where his legs are. He curls them closer to himself to give me more room. "I would only ever get slightly buzzed. But I got really drunk once," I bite my lower lip. 

"Really?" He smirks. "Kelly got brain-dead drunk once?" He fake gasps. 

"No, Nick. You don't understand. It was stupid anyway," I mumble. "Besides it was like five years ago." 

He blinks and grabs my arm. "Kellin, you're only twenty-one, five years ago would mean you were sixteen." 

"What can I say? I have a dark past," I shrug. 

He grabs both my shoulders and vigorously shakes them. "YOU DRUNK ILLEGALLY? FIVE YEARS AGO? THAT MAKES YOU SIXTEEN."  

"It was him. He decided to send me a fucking message, through a guy," I mutter bitterly. 

He stops and his expression goes angry. "What did he fucking do, and say?" He spits. He knows everything, so I wouldn't blame him. 

"Not here," I whisper. "And not now," I add. He nods and pulls me into a tight hug. 

"If he tries to hurt you, I will tear him apart with my scissors from preschool," Nick mumbles against my ear. 

I pull away. "Wait- you still have those? What the fuck, you hoarder," I shake my head in disgust. 

"Yeah, still has the dried up drool all over that shit," he winks and stands up, immediately sitting back down. "Yeah, maybe tomorrow. I'll just lay here all day," he sighs as he leans back into the seat. 


"So why are we going to the store and leaving behind three hungover guys in your place?" I ask as Alex leads me to their closest store. 

"Because we're out of food, and therefore need more food," Alex deadpans. 

"Really? I thought all you ever ate was ramen and the occasional sandwich," I roll my eyes. 

He gasps and gives me a hurt look. "Kellin. I'll have you know that we also have cereal." He tuts and shakes his head disapprovingly. "After all this time, you'd think someone would finally get it. Cereal. Always remember the cereal." 

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