18. Threaten the Victim

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"Good afternoon, Kellin Bostwick." 

"It's Quinn," I seeth. "Who the fuck are you?" 

He laughs and walks forward. I flinch back as he lifts his hand. His some-what friendly face goes dark. "I suppose I'm here to kill you- and your precious Victor, but I don't feel like it- not yet," he slams the door behind me. He shoves me forward and Vic visibly goes from angry to furious. 

I stumble forward and grunt. "Who. Are. You." 

He laughs again. "Wouldn't you like to know?" He grabs me by the collar. 

Vic screams something, but it gets muffled by the gag. He on his knees, with his hands tied behind his back. Same with Jaime. I'm yet to see Tony. 

Don't be dead... Please don't be dead. 

"First, I want to show you something," he speaks slowly. He lets me go, and I hit the side of the couch. 

He pulls out a phone and taps the screen. 

"Kellin. I haven't seen you in a while. I hope you enjoy what you have so far, because one day, soon, I'll have you again. And this time, you don't be able to run." 

I gulp and clench my fist. "What the fuck do you want from me?" I speak angrily. 

"I want you. I want my son. Come back to me, and this will all be over," he smirks. 

I turn and see Vic giving me a look, looking terrified. 

"See, this is all your fault. If you hadn't called the damn cops that day," he lets out a short, harsh laugh. "Maybe things would be different." 

Yeah. I'd be dead. 

"Anyway, if you choose to join me, just give me a call or something? Get your precious Vic to shoot me a message. Or... Maybe his friends..." He says, smiling evilly. 

The man shuts the phone off and throws it on the ground. He stomps of it firmly, and it crushes. "So," he starts, walking towards Vic. "How about that?" 


I turn and see Tony, aiming his gun at the man. The man gives him an annoyed look. "Really? You thought that could stop me?" He glances at me, then back at Tony. "Well, too bad. You're too slow, fucking turtle," he spits. Like lightning, he pulls out a knife and stabs Vic in the chest. 

My stomach twists as I hear Vic let out a pained groan. Tony's eyes widen and Jaime shouts through his gag. Jaime swings his entire body at the man. 

Then, a masked man comes out. He grabs me by the arm and presses a gun to my head. "Everyone stop," he commands. 

The fighting stops. Tony gives me a fearful look. Jaime looks angry. The man looks rather... Annoyed. And Vic...

God, Vic. Please.

He looks pale and blood is running down his white shirt and to the floor like a waterfall. He coughs and blood drips down his chin. 

Jaime turns to Vic and struggles against the handcuffs. 

"Let me, and this gentleman go. Or I kill him," the man holding me says. He clicks a bullet into place. 

"Okay, okay. You can go," Tony says, he puts the gun in one hand and holds it up. Jaime nods frantically, obviously wanting to help Vic. 

Vic looks up, straight at me. His eyes widen and he says something. Something along the lines of: "Kellin!" 

The man lets me go and helps the other one out the door. Then walk out and into a van, where they drive away. 

I run over to Vic. I throw the gag off and cup his face in my hands. "I'm so sorry Vic- I-"

"No, shh, Kellin. It's okay- just a... minor complication," he coughs. 

Tony uncuffs Vic first before helping Jaime. 

I help Vic to the couch and lay him down. "Don't worry Vic, I'll get help I-"

"You can't call 911. We have a special service because if we were in a hospital, we'd be easy targets," Jaime says while gasping for air. He grabs his phone and dials a number. 

"Yes, this is Preciado. Vic- I mean- Fuentes is in trouble. Stab to the chest, lost a lot of blood," Jaime says. Tony comes over to me and holds my hand. 

"It'll be okay. Vic's strong," he comforts. 

"I need immediate help. NOW," Jaime says. 

I hold Vic's hand with my other one. "I'm sorry Vic," I speak softly. 

He shakes his head slightly. "Darling, no. This isn't your fault," he croaks. Tony grabs the first aid kit and grabs a pair of scissors. 

He sighs and cuts Vic's shirt off. He pouts antiseptic on the wound to clean it. 

Vic lets out a pained groan, squeezing his eyes shut. Tony bites his lower lip as he presses a cloth to the wound. Vic wires his jaw shut and lets out a scream through his teeth. 

"Vic-" I gasp. I rush forward and grab his hand. He turns his head and stares at me. "Vic, I'm right here," I speak softly. He gives me a light smile. It kills me that he's trying to make me feel better, even though I can see the pain in his eyes. 

"MOVE, MOVE, MOVE!" A voice shouts. 

Vic stares into my eyes and nods. I move away from him as the people rush over and put him on a stretcher. 


I turn and see Awsten rushing towards me. "Kellin, what happened? I was walking back to my apartment when I get a transferred call from Jaime," he grabs my arms. 

I shake my head. "Vic- he got stabbed, and it's- it's bad." 

"Kellin..." He sighs and lets me go. "Vic is strong. He'll be okay. Besides," he pauses, looking back at Jaime and Tony explaining what happened to some other people. "Vic would never leave you. That boy would literally walk through fire for you." 


"No, Kellin, calm down, listen to me. Vic will be okay, now, can you tell me what happened?" He asks. Tony turns around and sighs. 

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