Chapter 24: Last stop, Hosu

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Y/N|Day three

Y/N: H-huh? *L/N looked at his mentor with a shocked expression* We're leaving?!

In the training room in Voak's apartment, after clearing up the mess he and Saiko had made the day before, Y/N listened to his mentor as he explained a very bizarre plan.

Night-stalker: Today's lesson will be extremely important so listen well! *The boy raised an eyebrow in curiosity* As you know, I took the majority of your training in Musutafu city. However, my agency, as you also know, is here in Kōfu.

Y/N: Quite a considerable distance- wait, is this about-

Night-stalker: *Nods* Yes, from today until the end of tomorrow, we will be taking a bullet train to a nearby city, a city that I will not name as of now. From there, I am going to teach you what a hero should do when they are too far away from their agency.

I never thought about that! Sure the distance between here and Musutafu is vast enough as it is, but having that as an actual lesson plan? How...unexpected...

Damn, I forgot a key rule!

Y/N: So, from today until tomorrow huh? *Shrugs* Okay then, when do we leave?

Night-stalker: The bullet train leaves in the evening, so pack all the essential stuff. Nothing more, nothing less.

L/N nodded, understanding the situation before he was dismissed by his mentor. Walking up the stairs to his room he set about packing the stuff he would need, including his hero costume.

But he was already wearing that, so he didn't.

Y/N: Since I'll be with him, I guess it should be alright to wear this.

All of a sudden, his ringtone, which was the opening for September, echoed across the room, jolting him slightly before searching frantically for it.

Y/N: Shit, shit! Where is it?!

The phone was still ringing by the time he picked it up from the bed. Turns out it was hiding in there when he woke up as he pulled back the velvety red quilt to reveal his black phone's lock screen of him, Kaminari, Kirishima and Ashido at the city fair doing their respective poses shining brightly with the caller ID splayed out in bold.

That memory never ceased to make Y/N smile.

Though, it was probably there because of him going on it at 12AM in the morning.

Y/N: *His phone beeps as he answers it, the ringtone immediately silenced as he pressed it against his ear* Hello-

Mina: *Shouting down the speaker* Y/NNNN!!

Like he had been stunned by a flashbang, Y/N pulled the phone away slightly as he clutched his right in ear in discomfort.

Y/N: A-Ashido, Don't do that! You know how my hearing gets with l-loud noises!

Mina: *Giggles* Ehehehe, sorry Y/N! I just wanted to see if you're alright, that's all!

She...wanted to check up on me?

Y/N: *Coughs* W-well, I'm doing fine, a little tired but all's the same.

Mina: Good to hear! I bet you're working extra hard on your training aren't you?

Why on Earth is she so curious?!

Y/N: I-I guess you could say that. My hero costume has helped me combat a few of my quirk's limitations so that's one upside to it.

Mina: *Curious* Oooooh, lemme see it!

Y/N: *Alarmed* S-see w-what?!

Mina: Your costume dummy! What else? I wanna see what it looks like!

Through the Memories We Hold Dearly (A BNHA Male reader X Mina story) (Book 2)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu