Chapter 11: The Sports Festival (Part 1)

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Y/N: *Amazed* Holy shit this place is packed to the brim!!

Kaz: Language Y/N. Though I do have to agree, it's been awhile since I've been here in person.

I couldn't believe it! Today was the day UA's students would participate in the very popular sports festival and I was going to be apart of it! Right now me and my Uncle were at the fairgrounds but I was only there because I was on my way to get ready and just so happened to bump into him.

Needless to say I was excited but also a bit worried.

Y/N: So this is the event my mom took part in, I've yet to watch her own performance online but I'll show everyone what the son of the Gleaming hero can do! Well I do suppose that I should get going now, this event waits for no one.

Kaz: Alright but you should probably say hi to your cousin before you go, I heard she's been called for security.

Y/N: *Muttering sarcastically* Wow I feel so safe. Okay fine I will but not before I get something to drink!

With a final hug goodbye I bid my Uncle fairwell as I make my way through the fairgrounds and I've gotta say, this place is filled with people! Luckily I didn't need to make conversation with any of them so my social anxiety didn't need to torture me. Sure I had to talk to get my water but that was quick.

Y/N: Wow they're selling everything here! Even merchandise but that's not really surprising. I mean, it's not like this place is apart of the most watched thing in the world or anything.

Walking through more aisles he gets fed of up of trying to search for his older yet slightly less mature cousin but before he turned the corner he heard her voice, presumably talking to one of the stall owners.

Y/N: *Sighs* Let's just get this over with and head to the changing room, wasted enough time searching for her already.

He turns around the corner, just begging that she wouldn't embarrass him in public but seeing that she was on duty, that was unlikely. Unfortunately his calm mood immediately changed to that of irritation when he saw her put on a cute act to get a curry.

Y/N: Ugh you have got to be joking!!

I was having none of it, I hate it when she uses her body and status to get something she wants so once she was alone I stormed over to her and tapped on her shoulder to get her attention.

Yu: Huh? Oh hey Y/-


Yu: *Holding her head in pain* OW! What the hell was that for?!

Y/N: *Pointing back to the stall she "bought" her food at* Did you seriously just use your body to get that? Surely it couldn't have costed that much!

Yu: That's what this is about?! Not a simple hello or greeting but instead hitting me over the head because of a simple thing like that?

Y/N: *Irritated* Yes! It's not fair if other people have to buy food while you don't! Don't you have mon-

Yu: *Embarrassed* I don't have pockets.

Y/N: Wait what?

Yu: I said...that I don't have pockets! My costume doesn't have any because I forgot so I couldn't bring my wallet!

Y/N stood there completely surprised, sure it wasn't the first time she did something stupid but this moment may as well take the top spot for that. Yu waited for an angry response but was surprised to see the teen walk away to the stall she was just at and hand the Yen she needed to pay to the owner. He came back with a grumpy look on his face.

Through the Memories We Hold Dearly (A BNHA Male reader X Mina story) (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now