Chapter 2: Family Priorities

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The next school day went by in a flash. Of course, I arrived on time and got to know more of my classmates a bit better, but today I also got to witness our homeroom teacher in class for the first time as I didn't get to yesterday. Excluding when I saw him in the hallway, obviously.

He was... interesting to say the least. First of all, once he came in I could already feel the intimidating aura he seemed to give off even though he wore an expressionless look... which was a complete guess on my part given that he had a bunch of bandages wrapped over his face. Arms too. Secondly, after that class was over, he got into a yellow sleeping bag and actually went to sleep!

But Kaminari told me that he always does that so I didn't need to worry.

Bakugou didn't say anything to me today but I could definitely tell that he was pissed off since I didn't need to take any entrance exams to get into this prestigious school. Which, in all fairness, is justifiable, I've always had this feeling that I was being treated differently.

But now I could put that feeling to rest as I was told that I was going to have a quirk apprehension test later on in the coming week. As for what I'm currently doing? Well, I was just laying on my bed. Bored with absolutely nothing to do.

Everyone else had their own thing going on aside from a few people, but even then I saw no point in going out for the day. That was, until something clicked in my head, something I forgot to do even though it has been about a year since I said I would do it.

Y/N: *Gasps* AH SHIT! *Frantically searching for his phone* NO, NO, NO! WHERE IS IT?! *Flipping his pillows* SHIT, SHE IS SO GOING TO KILL ME!

I knew if I didn't watch the video then I would be screwed, but then again it has been around a year since it was first made... Yet even if she doesn't even know that I haven't watched it yet she could call at any time! So after looking around in an absolute panic I thankfully managed to find my phone which, ironically, fell to the floor when I was searching for it.

I don't even know how I didn't hear the noise it made when it did.

Oh, yeah, I should probably clarify on what I'm looking for. You see, around a year ago my cousin made her first hero debut and I promised I would watch it! But... I didn't... because I forgot. And right now I'm busy trying to look it up! Though, once I tell her that I only got around to watching it today... she's gonna be pissed.

And the last thing I want today is to face the wrath of my pissed off cousin.

Y/N: *Sighs in defeat after finding the video* Let's just get this over with...

Five minutes later

Y/N: *Banging his head on his bedside drawer* What. Did. I. Just. Watch! *Groaning* Why did she have to make that pun!

And does she really need to make her costume like that?

With one final groan he left his phone on his desk and changed out of his school uniform and into his normal clothes. Despite only being at a new school for one day he had been training relentlessly in the gym, pushing his body to its absolute limits, so it came as no surprise when a bolt of pain flashed through his arm as he put his shirt on. But Y/N just ignored it.

This pain is nothing, I cannot let it get the better for me. People in the future are going to depend on me and I'll be damned if I let a little sting prevent me from saving a life.

The teen really had pushed himself, as it wasn't just his arm that ached. His entire body pulsed with pain, but he kept ignoring it and put on his shoes. However, right when he began heading to the door his phone rang.

Through the Memories We Hold Dearly (A BNHA Male reader X Mina story) (Book 2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon