Chapter 22: The calm before the storm

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The tendril user looked out to the city in front of him, standing on a water tower to gain a better vantage point. Night-time dawned across Hosu city, the sun's rays barely peaking over the horizon as it surrendered to the darkness, the only other light source being from the center of the city which could be seen from miles away. Beside him was his mother, Sapphire, who had donned a brown cloak and hood to conceal herself while her son just wore regular attire.

Sapphire: *Tapping her foot impatiently* Ugh, how long do we have to wait? This is getting boring.

David: *Scoffs* If you don't like it then you can head through the portal, no one is forcing you to be here.

Sapphire: Heh, no one could if they tried. *She yawns as she stretches her arms* Hey, do you think we're doing the right thing?

David: Huh? What do you mean?

Sapphire: I mean...the amount of destruction that's going to be it really the way?

David: *Sighs* There's no right or wrong in life, it's only how you decide to make it. This? *He points to the city below him* Well since Shiggy's acting like a man child, he wants the attention instead of the hero killer. We're only here to give him that.

Sapphire: So we're just going to give the league attention then? What about us?

David: *Chuckles* Any news they get, we get as well! We're with them after all so we'll get the individual attention. We do have flashy quirks after all and the media loves those, even from villains.

Though that may be true, I really hate the concept of heroes with flashier and more powerful quirks getting more attention than those who don't.

As long as they save lives, it shouldn't matter.

Sapphire: I just hope no one gets killed tonight, we don't need any unneeded casualties.

David: Don't worry, if things get rough, we'll step in.

Right on cue after they were finished talking, Kurogiri's signature purple portal opened up behind them. David doesn't even bother to look as he already knew who was coming through.

David: *Rolling his eyes* Look who's finally here. I suppose you have your little pets ready now?

Shigaraki: They're called Nomu, not pets.

David: Yeah yeah, same thing.

Shigaraki: *Scoffs as he recollects his conversation with the hero killer* All that high and mighty talk, but he's not even past the small potatoes stage.

David: Uhh, a what stage?

Shigaraki: It's almost precious how hard he's trying.

Sapphire: Aren't you in the same boat as him then? I mean, you're both trying to force your own ways upon the world after all.

Kurogiri: Mrs Veer has a point, besides you shouldn't criticize him too much...

Shigaraki: The hell is that supposed to mean?

Kurogiri: The cities he's appeared in have all seen across the board drops in crime rates. Some theorize that it's tied to an increase in hero awareness.

Shigaraki: *Sarcastic* Well that's just great! So much for putting a stop to heroism! *Scoffs* I knew it, we're just too different deep down, pisses me off.

David: Shiggy, what the hell doesn't piss you off at this point?

Shigaraki: Quiet! *David smirks at him, completely proving his point* Kurogiri, bring out the Nomu. As if I'd let him get away with stabbing me like that.

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