Chapter 15: Conclusions and beginnings

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Y/N: *Rubbing his right arm* Tch, why does my quirk have to be such a pain in the ass?

Midoriya: I can VERY much relate to that.

Ah yes, the sports festival is now over and now we were waiting for the placements but I've already done that in my head, Third was Iida and Tokoyami, second was Todoroki and first was Bakugou. As for us? Well we were standing in the middle of the stadium waiting.

Oh I almost forgot, I need to get Ashido a drink.

Midnight: Now let's move on to the awards ceremony!

Three podiums slowly came up from the ground but what made everyone sweatdrop was the fact that Bakugou was behaving...rather violently, so much so that he had to be tightly restrained against a metal column with a mask over his mouth but those didn't really stop him from reacting so violently.

Y/N: *Sigh* Get a grip will ya?

He did, in fact, not.

Midnight: In third place we have both Tokoyami and Iida but unfortunately Iida was forced to leave early due to a family emergency. *Winks* We all hope you understand.

Y/N: Must you really?!

That's unfortunate, Iida looked so pumped for this event. I wonder what happened? Actually now that I think about it, there's a lot of things that I've been wondering; my quirk, David's whereabouts, my fa-

Midnight: Now for the medals!! Presenting them this year is you know who!!

Y/N: Rude.

I could here a very distinct laugh, one that many people have come to enjoy a lot. We all look up and see the number one hero himself, All might, jumping off the stadium roof.

Midnight: He's everyone's favorite hero, All Might!

All Might: I AM HERE WITH *Landing with a loud bang* THE MEDALS!!

Now don't get me wrong, I adore all Might as much as the next fan but I don't really look up to him that much at all really. Heh, guess I couldn't look up to anyone because I was too busy being bullied and coping with my mother's death.

He proceeded to give out the medals for third and second place, giving them words of encouragement and advice as he did so, especially to Todoroki and...then there was Bakugou.

Y/N: Please don't take off the muffler, please don't take off the-

He took it off.


Y/N: The hell is that face?

Midoriya: Kacchan...he's unique when it comes to that.

Y/N: *Mumbles* Looks like a gremlin to me.

All Might: In a world that's constantly graded on a curve, there aren't many people who can continuously be on top. Scary! *Holding out the gold, first place medal* So accept this! As a wound even! So you don't forget!

Bakugou: *Still yelling...* I TOLD YOU I DON'T NEED THAT JUNK!!

After much resistance from Bakugou, All Might manages to hang the medal on his mouth...since Bakugou wouldn't allow him to hang it over his neck though he did quiet down to a few growls.

Y/N: *Shaking his head* What an idiot.

All Might: Well these are your winners!! But hold on everyone! Everyone here today has the potential to be standing up here! As you all witnessed! Competition! Encouragement! Pushing eachother to climb higher and higher!! The sprouts of today will grow into the heroes of tomorrow!!

Through the Memories We Hold Dearly (A BNHA Male reader X Mina story) (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now