Chapter 19: The gleam of a prodigy

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The boy mysteriously found himself in an unknown area, all he could see was dereliction and decay everywhere and the occasional droplets of water hitting the hard concrete that made up the foundation of the area. Y/N tried looking around frantically but found that his body couldn't move.

Y/N: W-What? Why can't I move? *Calling out* HELLO!! ANYONE HERE?!

His voice echoed around the ruined building, sighing in defeat when no one replied to his pleas.

Y/N: *Moving his eyes as he couldn't move his neck* What is this place? It looks too ruined to be in mustafu-


Y/N: Huh?

The unknown sound echoed through the area, just like his voice did a few seconds prior, making him slightly nervous when he heard it.

Y/N: W-who's there!?

In response to his question, the area began to crumble away little by little until there was nothing else but a black void, still being rendered immobile by some unknown force. The only thing he could hear after that was his own breathing, shaky and afraid.

"It sure has been awhile, hasn't it L/N?"


That voice, something he hadn't heard from since the USJ incident. Y/N found himself capable of moving again but didn't get a chance to as two arms firmly grasped his shoulders.

"Oh how I've missed you!" The voice says with excitement, like a child seeing their friend after a few weeks.

Y/N: *Shocked* I-it's you! Y-you're my manifestation! A-Akuma saw you didn't she?!

"Ding ding ding! Cooooorect! It's been such a long time since then don't you agree?"

Y/N: T-The USJ, b-but I thought you said after the merging process that y-you would die! So h-how are you here then?

The red figure lets go of his shoulders and paces around the boy who, for some reason, didn't have his horns, "Figuratively speaking, yes! Actually? No!" The red glow slowly fizzled away to reveal Y/N's mirrored look, except that it had the horns and his usual eye colour was now red when he looked at it, "Oh boy oh boy, the process was painful indeed! Even caused me to lose my more...'Kind' emotions"

Y/N: *Muttering* I guess that explains your attitude then.

"I guess so, well...almost anyway" L/N looks at his refection with confusion which made it sigh before slapping him in the face, earning a yelp from the boy, "You've been through quite a lot of experiences, so much so that I couldn't help but become the very thing you were at the time!"

Y/N: *Rubbing his cheek in pain" Tch, and that would be?

"Negativity! I mean, you were brimming with it so why not?" It shakes its head before continuing, "Your mother dying, being bullied at school or even just walking home, you still felt some kind of emotion. All of that accumulated into one point over time, bottled up like a little balloon waiting to pop! Which. It. Did!"

Y/N: *Looking down* My awakening.

The replica disappeared from existence, leaving Y/N to speculate where it had gone off to but he didn't need to think long before the familiar voice whispered in his ear.

"Seven voices...SEVEN! FUCKING! VOICES!" For some reason it had gone off the subject about the USJ and onto a different one, a more recent one for that matter. The raised tone of voice startled him for a moment but calmed down soon after, "Those...manifestations! I could hear them, all of them, from that cowardly brother to the symbol's deceased master, I could hear them...judging me."

Through the Memories We Hold Dearly (A BNHA Male reader X Mina story) (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now