Chapter 23: Unforeseen complications

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Y/N|Day two

L/N was having trouble keeping up with his mentor's quirk, the cables kept on coming at him over and over again. Due to this new environment he found himself in, Y/N failed to notice two cables wrap around his body before he was inevitably and swiftly launched into a wooden pillar with a bang, the thick brown wood cracking slightly in response to the impact.

Y/N: *Slowly sliding down the pillar with a grown* Ow...

Night-stalker: Again!

Y/N: *Getting off the ground* Ugh, we've been at this for hours! How long do we have to do this for?!

Night-stalker: As long as it takes. As of now you've been doing the same thing over and over again. Yes, you are using my style but that's just it, my style.


Night-stalker: Now, again!

At a moments notice, Voak sends his cables at Y/N, two go for his arms but the boy dodges elegantly. Four more cables aim to make short work of his legs, making the boy backflip into the air. Halfway through the process, the remaining two cables try and go for his legs so L/N infuses his right leg with his quirk and with a mid-air kick, he forces the cables to retract back into his mentor's hands.

Holy shit, I did it!

Unfortunately, his celebration was cut short as the six other cables wrapped around his arms and legs, tightly restraining him before he was sent towards Voak who delivered a spinning back heel kick to his face, sending him into the same wooden pillar once again.

Y/N: *Frustrated* Damn it all!!

Night-stalker: I'm surprised you can't see the answer, it's right in front of-

At this point, Y/N snapped.


Night-stalker: Great, now I've got an emotionally unstable teenager to deal with. You owe me big time, Aizawa! Look, if I just flat out told you the solution to your problem, you wouldn't learn anything now would you?

Y/N: I-

Night-stalker: *Holding his hand up to silence him* Think of this training like a lesson in a classroom, you've been given a question and you're expected to answer it correctly before the day ends. In our case, that question is: what do you need to do to improve your quirk? I can help you, but I can't tell you what it is. That would be considered cheating.

Y/N: *Still visibly frustrated* Like...a classroom?

Night-stalker: You need to learn, and by cheating, you wouldn't learn a thing. In fact, you would learn less!

All I need to do, is imagine that I'm in a classroom, looking at a problem I need to solve.

Up to this point, I've been using Sir's style and techniques against him, incorporating my quirk in the process. But that's landed me smack bang into a pillar every time I do that! Damn it Y/N! You were the smartest person in Zyrin high, yet you can't even solve a simple problem such as this?! I wish I could say I was limiting myself but I'm no-

Wait...limiting power...

Night-stalker: *Sighs* I can see you're deep in thought, at least you've calmed down now but we need to keep-

Y/N: *Clicking his fingers enthusiastically* THAT'S IT!

Night-stalker: Huh?

Y/N: *Grabbing his notebook, confusing the hell out of Voak, wondering where the hell he pulled it out from* What if I haven't been limiting my body, but my quirk? But that just leads to my Evisceration power- GAH! *He throws the notebook across the room* Fuck the book, I need to do this on my own!

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