Chapter 3: A Not so Normal Evening

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It was 8pm, and in an area far, far away from the L/N residence, Y/N along with his cousin Yu and his friend Mina were chatting in a small restaurant quite far out from the city. Not on its outskirts, but near the edge of the actual city itself.

Thankfully for Y/N, the embarrassing stories came to an end and the trio enjoyed their meals, and before long they would finish. But they weren't planning on leaving just yet.

Yu: I'm telling you, Stranger Things is a good show!

Y/N: I mean, yeah it is but doesn't it get repetitive with the whole 'alien creatures trying to get into our world' sort of thing?

Mina: Well what else would the show be about? That's the main plot.

Y/N: I know that, it just gets a bit repetitive in my opinion.

Yu: Fair enough. I didn't expect them to get the Russians involved with it though.

Mina: I did and I still loved it! Though I'm still sad a few of the new characters died, and I'm not just talking about season 3.

Y/N: I think I cried at Bob's death at one point.

Yu: *Sighs* Same.

Y/N: The ending confused me though. If one of those things was being held captive by the Russians after the gate was closed... then how come it didn't die like those Demo-Dogs did back in Season 2?

(If you haven't noticed already, this is me low-key asking questions)

Mina: Oh, I never thought about that!

Yu: Me neither, but if we're talking about that sort of thing then why did the swirly cloud thing that possessed Will survive if the dogs didn't?

Mina: *Grins* I'll do you one better; what happened to the Demo-Dog that was put in the fridge after Season 2? Is it still there?!

Y/N: *Chuckles* We are being so big brain right now and we haven't hit any blunts yet-


Y/N: *Startled* What the hell?!

Mina: That sounded close!

Everyone else in the restaurant had the same idea as the trio did and ran out of the building to see what caused the explosion, and where it was. The people on the street, however, started running in the opposite direction, screaming in fear. Y/N pushed a few of the civilians aside to quickly get to the site of the loud explosion, Mina and Yu followed close behind him but once they reached the source of the explosion they couldn't help but stare in surprise.

Y/N: Okay, now that's unexpected.

Yu: I expected fire but... not ice!

Mina: What do we do?!

While the three were asking questions, another explosion erupted from the apartment building from which the previous one came from. a massive ice gust blasted through the brick wall of the building before the surrounding material started to get frozen around the blast site. That was more than enough to grab the trio's attention as more people started running away, however Y/N suddenly rushed forward to the exclusion zone set up by police.

Yu: Y/N! You idiot, get back here!

Y/N was too busy running to hear them, until he was suddenly stopped by a police officer who was a part of the squad set up to keep people away from the scene.

Officer(1): Whoa, kid. You need to get back, no civilians beyond this point.

Y/N: What the hell is going on?! Who caused this?

Through the Memories We Hold Dearly (A BNHA Male reader X Mina story) (Book 2)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum