Chapter LXXXIII: It's Funny How Life Works.

Start from the beginning

"Hey... You can come in... Just make sure to take your shoes off, please? If you're okay with that?" Clementine was already flustered, Violet hadn't even said a word and this girl was already feeling butterflies all over. 

"I get it, I don't like shoes past the front door either." Violet gave Clementine an accepting smile before putting her shoes next to each other by the entrance. 

"Thank you... for coming over. I know it's crazy that I asked you of all people because we just met, like two weeks ago, but, none of my friends are up and I don't feel that safe around them anyway, but when I'm with you, I just feel... better? I don't know." Clementine rambled, believing that she embarrassed herself, but Violet was only enjoying the show. 

"Clementine, I'm here whenever you need me to be. No matter what time it is, what day, if I have work in the morning... I'm always here. Okay? So, don't ever hesitate. My door is always open, and I'm always available." Violet made intense eye contact with the brunette, hoping that it would help her loosen up. 

Clementine let out a sigh and hugged Violet.

"I'm glad I met you."

"I'm glad I met you too." Violet took a deep breath, inhaling the smell of Clementine all over again. "I'm always here, love." 

Violet felt Clementine's heart beating against her chest, almost in sync with hers. 

"You wanna watch a movie?" Clementine offered, letting out a sigh to soothe her emotions. "Yeah, sure. I'm gonna use the bathroom first though." 

Violet remembered she hadn't taken the underwear out of the windbreaker she wore earlier that night. Of course, it would scare Clementine, and that was what she needed to avoid. 

Clementine gave a nod and a small smile before walking to her room. 

The way she was walking caught Violet's attention. She knew what she was doing. She knew what her intentions were. 

Violet began to stare. It seemed as though everything was moving in slow motion. 

She admired everything about her. Her body and the way it curved certain ways, her hair and how it was always perfect in its own way, what she had on and how it fit her body, her confidence, her strong posture, her everything. How could she not? It was like Clementine wanted her to. 

Violet made her way to the bathroom, watching Clementine until she couldn't see her anymore. 

She decided it would be a smart idea to close the door behind herself just to make it believable. 

She took her time, pulling the underwear out of her jacket pocket, considering taking one more sniff before she put them back. 

She thought it would be a good idea, so she did.

She put the underwear to her nose and inhaled deeply, taking in the aroma of Clementine's beautiful body once again. She couldn't help herself. 

"Vi, Movie is ready," Clementine called from the other room. 

"I'll be right in. Almost finished." Violet Smiled before stuffing them back into the laundry basket. 


Violet gently knocked on Clementine's door before going in. 

"Come sit down." Clementine smiled, sitting on the bed Indian style. "I've decided it would be best for me to stand." Violet chuckled before hanging up her coat and gently plopping down on the bed next to her favorite girl.

Clementine let out a giggle, "Oh, so you're one of those people?" 

"I am indeed, does it make me repulsive?"

"Just a little."

"You should get used to it." Violet gave Clementine a toothy smile, laying back on the bed to get comfortable. "You ready?" Clementine raised an eyebrow, looking at the girl beside her.

"I'm as ready as I'll ever be." Violet kept the same smile on her face, watching Clementine form a smile of her own. 

The purple lighting of the room set a calming mood. 

"What're we watching?" Violet looked back at the tv curiously. "Something gay."  

"Won't catch me protesting."


Halfway through the movie, Clementine itched closer and closer to Violet, and eventually, Violet got the hint. She wrapped her arm around Clementine's shoulder and let her rest her head on her chest. 

"If you wanted to cuddle, you could've just said so. I wouldn't have said no." Violet smirked, looking down at Clementine with confident eyes again. 

"Oh, shut up and keep me warm."

"How about you freeze to death?" 

"How about you kiss me?"

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