Mama🌸: Yes my love, how are you?

:in labor...

Mama🌸: Don't play with me Soraya it's too early

:mama im serious 😭 it hurts like hell. Gionni is getting nai ready.

She set her phone back down as another contraction hit, and she yelled for Gionni.

"Already? Shit okay, that was four minutes. She's dressed and ready, let's get these on you mama," he softly spoke, rubbing her back while the contraction hit. It was about thirty seconds long and her eyes were shut tightly. When it passed, he helped her into a maxi dress and made sure she was comfortable before getting her shoes on.

When they got to the staircase another one hit and she felt her knees giving out on her on that one. "Oh my—" she started to speak before just groaning out in pain. Gionni kept rubbing her back soothingly, not wanting to say the wrong thing.

They finally made it to the car and Gionni sent out a group text to everyone he could think of before he took off in the direction of the hospital.

"How are you feeling, Nadira," Dr

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"How are you feeling, Nadira," Dr. Shepard asked, making her second round to Dira's room. She wanted to do a natural birth so she was feeling everything.

"It hurts so bad," she whined, eyes clamped closed. When she wasn't contracting there was a dull ache and then the pain was severe when it hit. She was doing the deep breathing but nothing was helping the pain. Since her labor was progressing so quickly, the pain was becoming more and more intense by the minute.

"Well the good news is that you're eight centimeters already. Just two more and we're ready to push," she laid a hand on Dira's shoulder. She'd only been in the hospital for an hour and already she was nearly ready to push. When she got to the hospital she was at five. Omari clearly had an agenda.

Once the pain passed, she breathed deeply and her mother was beside her, rubbing up and down her arm.

People had started to trickle in slowly, since it was now 9:30 on a Saturday morning, most of their friends were still asleep. G had just gotten off of the phone with his father who was now on his way. Her mom and dad had been there of course, all of Omari's Godparents were there and her brothers. Guiliana and Gio were together and both coming.

"Gionni," Nadira whimpered, reaching her arm out for him. He quickly made it back to her, pushing the hair from her face and giving her a kiss.

"It's okay, beautiful, he's almost here. Just a little bit longer mama," he mumbled to her, leaning his forehead on hers.

"I look crazy, my son is gonna think I'm ugly," she sniffed, pouting her lip out. Gionni and her mom laughed, both shaking their heads at what she decided to focus on at the moment.

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