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Cavelle Soleil Alyév - 3:13 am

I laid asleep in my bed with the thick duvet covers over my body. Or so i thought. I couldn't sleep. I had a terrible ache in my stomach and i was just curled up in a fetal position waiting for it to pass.

When it went away, i got up and went to the bathroom to vomit. I washed my mouth and by the time i was about to go to bed, i heard one of my kids crying. I sluggishly left my room and walk down the hall where i heard the crying. Entering the room, i saw O'Bryan holding his sister.

"What happen?" i sighed and sat in the chair.

"She was crying for dad."

"Come here Anna." i spoke and her brother let her go, leaving the room. She walked over to me and i held her in my arms.

"When's dad coming home?" she cried.

"I don't know." i told her.

"I miss him."

"I'm gonna see if he'll visit you guys tomorrow okay?"

"Okay." she sniffled.

I sat there and held my daughter until she fell asleep. When i got tired, i woke her up and we went to my room. I made sure she was asleep before picking up my phone and going downstairs. I sat on the stool and dialed Mazi's number, calling it after. I listen it ring and he answered on the 2nd ring.

"Hello?" i heard his groggy voice.

"Hey, are you busy tomorrow? The kids wanna see you?"

"Hey, hey." he sounded as if he was surprised to hear my voice. "Uh yeah, no. What time?"

"About 12."

"12 sounds fine. I-"

"Great. Meet me at the park by then." i hung up and blocked his number before he could bombard my phone with calls.

Scratching my head, i made my way upstairs and to my room, closing the door. Upon getting in bed, both my kids were laying there sleeping so i laid between them both, falling asleep after.


Waking up, i pulled the covers from over my head before laying on my back. I sighed and remove my hair from my face. I realise that i didn't see my kids and i smelt the aroma of bacon so i got up and went downstairs, seeing them making breakfast and having a conversation like two grown people. Brianna was standing on a foot stool taking pancakes from a pot and Bryan was pouring orange juice in three cups. They were talking about their father and that conversation really interests me so i took a seat around the island.

"Good morning." i spoke.

"Good morning mommy." they spoke in unison.

"We made breakfast."

"I can see. What are you guys talking about?" i fold my arms over the island.

"Dad. We were asking ourselves why he left but then Brianna said that 80% of the father's in the household leave because a number of reasons."

"Like what?" i ask.

"Space, unplanned pregnancy, introduction to a new woman, divorce. There's more but thats what we could come up with."

"So why do you think your father left?"

"We don't know." O'Bryan shrugged and sat a plate before me.

"Thank you." i looked down on my plate that consisted of pancakes, bacons and scramble egg. My kids sat on either side of me and said their graces then we began eating. "What if i told you guys that your father wanted to see you today?"

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