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Cavelle Soleil Alyév

Waking up the next day, Cavelle searched the bed for signs of Johanna but there was none. She sighed and rolled on her back, flipping her hair out her face.

Cavelle was really getting frustrated with Johanna and her habit of just leaving. All this started a month ago and when she'd ask about her whereabouts, she'd get all defensive with her.

She checked her phone and realise she got a message from Mazi.

-Goodmorning Sparks

She read and curled her lips. She furrowed her brows in confusion when she notice he texted her without she texting him since she didn't give him her number.

Calling him, the phone rung once before he answered.

"Good morni-"

"How'd you get my number?"

"Woah. Not even a good morning ugly? I'd appreciate it you know." he smirked.

"I'm not playing."

"I'm not either. How's your mornong beautiful? You sound so sexy when you wake." he sipped his tea.

"Mazi how'd you get my number?" she sighed and rubbed her forehead.

"Go out with me and I'll tell you."

"Well i don't wanna know then."

"Come on, at least for an hour?" he begged sarcastically.

"No bye." she hung up.

Cavelle scrolled through her call log and called Johanna. On the fourth ring, she answered.


Cavelle sighed and closed her eyes.

"Morning." she mumbled.

"What's up?"

"Why'd you leave? You know i hate it when you leave." she frowned.

"I had to do something important."


"You don't have to know."

"Is it for me?"

"No Cavelle. It's not." she rolled her eyes. "I'm gonna call you back later."



"Are you gonna come with me to look on condos?"

"I can't. I gotta go."

"Okay. I love-"

Johanna hung up and Cavelle stared at the ceiling. She got a text on her phone and read it.

-Are you coming? I'm outside.

"What the..." she got up and went over to her window. Looking down, she spotted Mazi leaning up against a black Bugatti Veyron. "This dudes so fucking crazy." she mumbled before putting on her robe and slippers then went downstairs.

She stood at the door and look at him being crowded by the boys who were observing the car and questioning him. When he saw Cavelle, he excused himself and walk over to her with a smile.

"Ah, Cavell. Cavello. Ella. Cav Ca-"

"Shut up. Why are you here? How'd you know where i live?" she fold her arms and stared at him.

"A magician never tells his secret."

"You're not funny."

"I'm not a comedian."

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