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"I want a divorce."

I chuckled. "What do you mean? We're married."

"I know that."

"So why all of a sudden you want a divorce?"

"I found someone else."

"Mazi you left me for three weeks with the kids and now you want a divorce? I don't understand. What's the reason?"

"I just think you and i are not working out. I saw you creeping with your ex."

"I wasn't hiding and i wasn't creeping. I just went to see her."

"So you couldn't tell me that before you left?" he stared at me.

"I was calling your phone and you weren't answering."

"But when i called you, did you mention it to me?" he ask and i stared at the floor. "And when i ask you where you were, were you really home?"

"No but i-"

"Therefore you were creeping."

"Mazi i wasn't."

"Hence why I'm getting the divorce. I'm advanced Cavelle. I'm a multimillionaire. You can't hide nothing from me."

"O'Bryan i wasn't hiding anything from you. I just felt like if i had told you, you would argue with me."

"Did you fuck her?" he stood.

"No i didn't. We just had lunch and watch tv." i sniffled.

"And that's it?"

"And i fell asleep. That's it. That's all that happen."

"I believe you."

"But I'm telling the truth." i frowned.

"I didn't say you were lying."

"Are you upset."

"No. You're not my wife anymore. I don't care."

"Mazi i-"

"We have a meeting to attend where you're gonna sign the papers and we're gonna discuss what's gonna be split in half."

"Are you seriously doing this right now?" i walked behind him.

"Yeah." he stopped abruptly and i bumped into him. I step back to see him looking at me. "Those three weeks at my moms, allowed me to see clearer what i was missing. You're always working, and locking me in."

"That's your only excuse? Mazi thats dumb. You can't possibly want to divorce me for that. That'll damage my reputation and our family."

"Fuck your reputation. I'll see you at the meeting tomorrow."

"I have to go to work."

"See. You have to work. Be there or get locked up. 7 am at P.J. Wyatt office. If you're not there by 7:30, the police force will lock you up."

"Mazi don't i have a say in this?" i cried. "I don't wanna have a divorce."

"That's your business."

"But how are you gonna divorce me? The law says it takes up to 6 months."

"With money, anything is possible." he looked me in my eyes then walked away. He looked like he was being forced to do what he's doing now but Mazi has alot of different facade that i can't see through sometimes.

I had nothing to say. I just stood on the stairs and watch him kiss the girl and went to his kids. My husband. I knew i shouldn't have let him visit his mother. I stood there with tears running from my eyes. I nodded and fold my trembling lips. I wanted to tell him that i was pregnant but will that change his mind? No.

Thickest Relationship Goals (Urban Fiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ