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2 months later

It was 4:23 pm on a Friday and Cavelle was just finished with a shoot and was now sitting on a bench waiting for Johanna.

After their little altercation in the mall 2 months ago, Johanna had appologized to her since she knew she was in the wrong. Johanna decided that she wanted to make it up to her by having dinner and going out more often.

Today Johanna wanted to teach Cavelle how to drive but Johanna haven't showed up and she said she was going to be at Cavelle's workplace by 2.

Cavelle and Mazi however had gotten closer and do fun things together. They got to know each other and even though they hang out whenever Johanna doesn't have time for Cavelle, he knew his boundaries and to not get too personal until he knew she was single..

Cavelle clutched onto her bag and sighed. She checked her watch and decided on calling Johanna.

"Hey. Where are you?" Cavelle ask.

"I'm not feeling well."

"Well you could've told me that you weren't coming so i could find another way to get home." she began to get angry.

"Cav I'm sorry baby, I'm honestly not feeling well." she said and Cavelle could hear how hoarse her voice was.

"Do you want me to come over and check on you?" her voice soften.

"Okay." she whispered.

"I'll be there in thirty minutes."

Cavelle hung up and ordered an uber. While she waited, she thought about how Johanna could possibly be sick since she never caught a flu before.

When the uber arrived, she got in and went all the way to Johannas house.

Cavelle searched in her bag for the key and found it. Entering, she sat her bag on the counter and shivered at how cold it was then made her way upstairs to attend to her girlfriend. Cavelle opened the door and saw Johanna curled up in the bed with the sheets wrapped around her.

"Why you got the air up so high?" she kicked her slippers off before walking on her white rug.

"It's hot in here." Johanna whispered.

"No it's not. It's cold as fuck in here." she said once she got her slippers off.

Cavelle walked over to her bed and climbed on it then sat on her knees next to Johanna. She looked at Johanna and saw how she was sweating and scratching.

"Are you okay?"she ask while pulling the sheets off Johanna.

"I'm fine."

"No you're not. You're sweating, and it's cold in here. How do you feel?" she began to panic.

"Hot." she sighed and pulled the sheets back on her.

Cavelle got up and went downstairs in the kitchen. She began to prepare some chicken soup for her as well as some fruits, checking up on her every other couple minutes until everything was done.

She brought up the tray and sat it on the bed.

"Babe sit up." she told her.

Johanna didn't attempt to get up so Cavelle moved her body so she was sitting up against the headboard. She began feeding her since she felt weak to the point where she couldn't manage to lean up by herself.

Cavelle didn't know what was happening to Johanna because she never gets ill, apart from her having cramps, and it was making her nervous and afraid of what it might be.

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