Chapter LXXXI: Circle One.

Start from the beginning

"You can tell by the way she acts that she's 100% a bottom." Louis threw in quickly, earing a gasp from Violet.

"Louis, I swear to god, I'll snatch your locks out one by one and make you eat them if you don't shut your mouth."


*Senior year*.

"Clem, can we talk?" Violet asked shyly, hoping she wouldn't regret this conversation in the next hour. "Yeah, what's up?" Clementine stopped in front of her locker to get her book bag. Violet was caught off guard by the base in her voice. It always sent shivers down her spine. 

Clementine reached into her locker, waiting for Violet to respond. "So... we... um... you know... can we talk in the car instead, maybe? If not, it's okay, we don't have to have a, you know, private conversation if you don't wanna, it's no big deal." Violet tried to seem more confident, only causing Clementine to giggle at her antics. 

"You're adorable. We can talk in the car, I'm fine with that, love." 

Violet's heart dropped at those words, causing her to turn into a blushing mess. 

"You ready?" Clementine checked before slamming her locker shut and throwing her bookbag over her shoulder, her bun sitting perfectly on the back of her head, her light blue baseball jersey tucked into her dirty white pants, and sweat slowly dripping down her face.

Violet quickly nodded while taking all of it in and admiring the eye candy in front of her. 


Violet sat in the passenger seat, playing with a piece of paper nervously, trying her best not to fidget. 

Clem looked at Violet worriedly, not knowing if she did something wrong or if she hurt her feelings, or if Louis told Violet that She liked her and Violet didn't feel the same... A mile of thought ran through Clementine's head, erasing her small smile. 

"So... What'd you wanna talk about?" The brunette asked with a slightly shaky voice, turning her head to make eye contact with Violet. "I... So, I wrote... something for you... something like a letter... because I'm not good, you know, with words, in real life... and I don't wanna fuck it up... or throw in any unnecessary shit by accident... so, I just... wrote this- see, I talk too much." 

Violet hesitantly gave her the paper, hoping she made the right choice. 

Dear Clementine, 

Ever since we met freshman year, you've been on my mind. Before we even met, I saw you walking down the hall, I couldn't look away. There was always something about you that caught my eye. There was so much more to you than good looks. You're funny, entertaining, you give good hugs, you know how to comfort people, your smile is so fucking perfect, you can always cheer me up, you give good advice, you know how to treat a friend, you're not a two-faced asshole, and again, your smile is perfect... I could go on for hours. But I have something more important to tell you. 

I like you, a lot, and I have since I laid eyes on you. Louis told me you felt the same, but I didn't believe him, but I wanna take a chance.

And I know this is childish, but 

Do you like me, yes or no? 

Circle one. 

Violet looked at Clem, waiting for some form of reaction. 

Clementine looked to Violet, with a smile bright enough to light up entire Georgia. "Can I get a pen?"

Violet's heart sank at the question. She didn't know what to expect next. 

Violet reached into her pocket, "I only... I only have a pencil for- is that okay?" 

Clementine chuckled, taking the pencil from Violet's hands, brushing her fingertips lightly, getting a chance to feel the girl's skin again. 

Clementine circled an answer and wrote a little note on the bottom. 


I don't like you. 

I love you. 

"Holy shit... for real? Clementine, don't- don't lie to me... okay?" 

"I'm serious. I feel the same way... I really do." 

"I... fuck... I didn't... prepare myself... I thought you were gonna say no... so, I just assumed... and-" 

Clementine grabbed Violet's chin softly, causing her to lose all train of thought in 2 seconds and whispered...

"Just kiss me." 

Their lips connected, feeding the hunger they both developed up over the years. It was nothing like they dreamed. Violet melted in Clementine's hands, her heart fluttering and butterflies collecting in her stomach. She didn't believe it was actually happening. 

As they separated, their eyes met, both of them breathing quietly and blushing profoundly. 

"What... are we...?" Violet dubiously asked, her eyes not drifting away from Clementine's at all. 


"That works..." Violet chuckled softly before feeling a hand grasp hers gently. 

"But can we agree on one thing?"


"Just don't tell Louis yet." 

"Trust me, I wasn't."



YesIknowILostMytouchbutimworking onit im sorry yall- 

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