Chapter 21: Doubts

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I was utterly shocked and unaware that Harry's name was imprinted on the napkin. I never noticed it. Shawn began to have doubts, thinking I went to see him, probably met up with him someone. I forgot Shawn was a jealous type when it comes to things like this but it isn't like we are dating or so but I know he's just acting this way for my safety.

"Shawn, I had that napkin in my bag for a long time. I used it to wrap my finger earlier. Nothing more." I assured him but still, he looks at it with disgust. I can't still believe our past will make both friends hate each other so much. I still blame myself for that.

"Well, I hate this napkin. It's so ugly." He threw it the waste bin without even asking for my consent. I felt so angry within me but I just couldn't show it. He would think I'm still having feelings for him. 

"Come, I made breakfast." Shawn gestures to me to seat.

"No need, I ate some burger on the way." I say.

"That isn't food, Elena. Now come before I do something you would hate." He threatened.

"And what would that be, Mr. Mendes?"

"I'm going to spank the hell out of your butt. So, what do you say? Yay or nay?"

I got on my seat quickly before he did that annoying thing. He's so naughty to even threaten me with that. I give him a childish glare as I hate the pasta set in front of me. 

"Eat the chicken too." He ordered and I did as told but it felt so disgusting in my mouth that I had to rush into the bathroom to vomit. Shawn rushed in with me with a worried face.

"Elena, are you okay? Should I take you to the hospital?" He asked even when he knew how much I hated that place.

"It's the chicken. I'm okay." I wash my face. I stared into the mirror, looking at the changes around my face. I just didn't want to think about it. I just couldn't be.

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