Chapter 10: Make him regret

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I HEAD OVER to the hospital after work to check up on Anna. Her condition was getting worse. I just really wished she would get better. Even though she has hurt me countless number of times, she would still remain my best friend. I just want the best for her.

"Why are you here?" She bits her fingers, her head facing down. She doesn't want to look at me. There were security guards all over the place so she couldn't harm me even if she wanted to.

"You're not taking your pills, Anna." I felt sorry that she's in this type of state.

"Why do you care? You took everything away from me. You took Shawn from me! Are you happy now?" She tries to calm herself after the stares she was given by the officers.

"Anna, do we have to go over this again? I love Harry not Shawn. I never took him from you. You never told me about your feelings. It isn't my fault." Why can't she just understand this?

"Always with the excuses. If you love Harry then why did you spend time with Shawn? You know what, I don't want to hear anything from you. I'll get him back." She stands up, about leaving to go back to her room.

"Shawn is getting married." I stopped her with my words. She turned her face to me, taking by surprise.

"Her name's Chloe. Anna, Shawn has moved on. You need to forget about him. You need to move on." I try convincing her but I only made it worse.

"This is all your fault! I'll kill you!" She strangles me, making me fight for air. They grabbed her quickly, injecting her with some serum which knocks off her consciousness. They took her back into her room but I felt distressed with this incidence. I don't want her in here for long. She needs to recover and get back to her senses.



I made the toughest decision last night; denying myself from my rights. As much as I want Elena by my side, She needs to listen to me and not make any mistakes. She thinks I overreact all the time. Huh, when it comes to you El, I lose my mind. Mostly when it's someone I know. Shawn might prove to be different now but I know Shawn more than anyone. He loves Elena more than his life. He'd do anything to get her back, even forcefully. I look over my desk and I'm reminded of the moments I shared with my El. She was so naughty. Hmm...I want to feel her here again and make her know she's only mine.

"Sir....sir...excuse me sir." Nate calls me till I'm waken from my thoughts.

"Yes...yes." I stutter, pulling myself back together. Oh, what you do to me El.

"I was taking about what I mailed to you. If you had looked into it."

"I'll look into it now, you may leave." I continue with my work trying to get myself from distraction but the thought of Shawn next to her at work troubles me. I want her to quit that job. I'd do whatever I can, if forcefully.


I'm in the Harry's shower having a bathe. I want him to meet me in here. I'm just playing my tricks as betty suggested.

"What would you do if your husband insists on fulfilling his rights. You know..."

"Uh...that's kinds tricky buh...wait is this about you. Don't tell me he's refusing to touch you all because of that." Her brows furrowed, waiting for me to spill out.

"," I fake laugh, hoping she wouldn't notice that I was lying. "No, this is about a friend of mine. Just don't know the advise to give to her you know."

"Uh..a friend. So this friend of yours, what's her name?"

"Betty..." I give a stern look.

"Okay, fine. Let me think. So you said her husband doesn't want to touch her because of some controversy, right?"

I nod my head and she continues.

"Uh..Just make him regret his actions." She smirks, thinking of what she would have done if she was in that position.

"In what way?" I asked, confused.

"We ladies know what to do when a man refuses. She just have to make him regret it."

I hold on to that thought with a smirk on my face. Tonight is going to be fun.


I hear some footsteps heading towards our room. I quickly got out of the shower after cleaning up. I unwrap the towel off me as I saw the door open. I acted oblivious of his presence, rubbing some oil on my body. Standing and also facing the mirror, I bent down rubbing oil on my legs. I peep through the center of my legs and saw that my posture had a great effect on him. I feel so good to be winning.

"Oh, you're back. Didn't see you come in." I continue with what I was doing. He unloosed his tie, pulling off his shirt but as he tries to get his eyes off me, he's eyes wouldn't listen to him.

"You must be tired. Go take a bathe." I say.

"No, I'm not tired." He strips himself off his clothes.

Is he trying to say he isn't tired of getting intimate with me? He walks close to me, making feel excited but to my greatest surprised he just walked past me and entered into the shower. Good move Harry. I'm going to make you regret this.


(I'm so soooorry about my late update. I've just been caught up with things at school and it really made me sad so I delayed my update. Thanks for your patience. Lots of love.)

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