Chapter 17: It's over

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Driven a little out of  my unconscious state in the hospital, I could hear voices; angry, sad, regret. I couldn't understand what was going on. It only made me have a bad headache but my mom's voice was the loudest. I couldn't forget that voice.

"This is all because of him!" My mom's said in an angry tone.

"I should have known that was why she was avoiding my calls! She just couldn't face me, Malcom. She's fighting for life right now and it's all his fault. I should have never agreed to this union." Malcom comforts her. Harry on the other hand, just sat there. Didn't move, couldn't say word. He was hurt no one believed him or would even stand to hear him out. He was the bad guy here.

Shawn stood against the wall, watching the whole scenario. It was fun for him. It was all going according to plan expect the part where he never thought Elena would ever think of taking her own life. It hurt him deep to think of how much She had been affected by him. She still loves him. Harry glares at him, irritated by his presence. He couldn't do anything especially when he's seen as the angel for saving her life. Hewill forever owe him for that but still Harry doesn't want to think about it because he feels he's taking advantage of the whole situation. The whole incident still felt like a dream. Could it be this was Shawn's revenge for betraying him, he thought. Why would he still be here if Elena meant nothing to him? He planned all this, Harry finally concluded. He knew there was no way to spilt us if we didn't hate each other so he can have her back. You've got to be kidding me.

Harry stood up, his fists clenched together.

"This was all your plan, Shawn. You think I would never find out?"

"I don't know what you're taking about." Shawn denies, surprised by his behavior.

"Stop lying!" He punches him the face, making Shawn lose his balance. 

"You planned all this! You spilled something in my drink  that night and made it look like I had something with Ryn. Just admit it! Admit!" He threw a punch but this time Shawn caught his hands.

"I would never hurt Elena."

Harry scoffs, "Oh, But you still love her right?" 

Shawn remained silent and that justified Harry's point.

"She's still my wife. SHE'S MINE." Harry says authoritatively.

"Not anymore. She doesn't want you anymore. She's done with you." 

"She didn't mean it." Harry said, fear escaping his lips. He would never recover from this heart break if Elena ever did.

"I meant it, Harry." A voice came from behind. Harry wished it wasn't who he thought it was.

"I'm done, Harry. I can't take it anymore." Elena says, still hurt. 

"El, please....don't say this. Let's put it all behind and start afresh. We promised each other that we will never be apart no matter what happens. You're breaking it." He held her hands like it was the last time he was ever going to touch her.

"This different, Harry. You broke my trust." 

"I still love you, El." He says, hoping it will change the way she feels at the moment but she looked away, unable to face the truth.

"Or you don't love me anymore? Is that it?"

"Harry stop all this! It's over." She frees her hands from his grip. "I don't love you anymore. It's over between us. Shawn, are the papers with you now?"

"Yes but..."

"No, Shawn. It's over."

"Elena, let's all discuss this first. You can't make such decision like that. I don't want you making the same mistake." Her dad says, hoping it will change her mind. He wasn't in support of this.

"Dad, this is different and I've thought deeply about it." She signed the papers, handling them to Harry.

"Is this what you really want?"

"Yes." She replied faintly.

"Fine." He signs them, throwing the paper on the floor. He left them without turning back. Elena couldn't avoid her tears. He was completely gone. Deep down, she wished it didn't have to be this way but he broke her heart and that hurt her.

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