Chapter 1

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Meet the characters

These are characters from 'Loving my boyfriend's bestfriend'

It can be read without the first book but advisable to read their past for better understanding but don't worry, I will give details.

Elena- Married to Harry Styles

Harry- Elena's husband, formally her crush.

Anna- crazy ex bestfriend who was in love with Elena's ex

Shawn-Elena's ex boyfriend and also Harry's bestfriend.

@All rights reserved

Elena's pov

My alarm ringed continuously, but my body wasn't fully awake. I ignore and go back to sleep, only to be jolted up by the thought of getting fired.

"Oh my god!" I got out of bed hurriedly, having a quick shower. Harry was still asleep. The smell of alcohol reeked from him. We got drunk last night in some party I was unwilling to go to at the first place. Now, I'm late. 

I put on my dress quickly, seeing Harry stare deeply into my body with a smirk.

"El, what a nice way to wake me up." His eyes still gazing at my body.

"Lucky for you." I smiled back, taking my keys on the table.

"Are you just going to leave like that?" He sits straight on the bed, waiting for me.

"I'm late, Harry. I'm going to get fired."

"It doesn't matter. Come work at my company. You'll be my personal assistant. We'll have a lot of work to do on my desk." He smirks, pulling me to him. I stare at his lips like it was our first time.

"Aren't you so good at getting what you want." I teased, kissing him on the lips. He's body wanted more than that but I wouldn't let myself in for that temptation.

"Harry, I don't want to get fired, alright. We'll get back on this after work, I promise." I stood up, ready to leave.

"Fine, you won't listen to me. At least, let my driver take you to work. And please, stop taking that car. Take one of the ones I take to work." Harry suggested.

"I don't want my co-workers to know i'm married to a stinky, sex..y billionaire." I bit my lips on that.

"Baby, I'll manage." I convince him.

"Can I come pick you after work, then?"

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." I left the room quickly, heading to work.


Getting to my desk, hurriedly, my boss called me into the office.

"Mrs.Ryder report to my office this minute!" I could feel his anger leashing out through the phone call.

I hurredly went to his office with trembling heels. My boss can be bossy all the time and that's what made all the workers feared him.

"Sir, you called me." I stood firmly, trying my best to compose myself.

He turned his seat to me, banging his fists on his desk, which had an effect to my ears.

"You're one hour late."

"I can explain sir. I actually..."

"Enough with your shitty excuses, Mrs. Ryder. Today this, tomorrow that. If not that I like you working here I would have fired you, you know that."

"Thank you sir."

"Don't thank me yet. You're working three hours extra after everyone has been dismissed."

"But sir..."

"And no break for you. I bet you ate on your way coming. If you still want this job then don't complain to me. You may leave." He turned his back at me.

I groaned silently out of his office. I texted Harry immediately that I would be coming home late tonight. He didn't seem pleased with the news, knowing we won't be able to spend time together.


I stayed working till evening while all the other employees had left. My boss was still in his office when he called me.

He clears his throat, staring at me closely.

"Mr. Patrick." I called to know if he was alright.

"Mrs. Ryder." He places the bottle of champanye on his desk. "I had my reasons for making you work extra late and you do know those reasons, don't you, Elena." 

This moment feels so weird and it's getting me confused.

"I don't get you sir."

"Oh please, don't call me that. You can call me sir when we are working but we aren't right now. Elena, you know I like you."

"Sir, are you alright? Is it the drink?" I asked fearfully.

"No, it's you." He walks closely to me, which made me pace backwards till my back finally hit the wall.

"Sir, you know i'm married." 

"I am too but that doesn't matter. We could have the best fun tonight, Elena. I really like you. Just let me prove it to you." He tried kissing my neck but I pushed him to the floor and ran out of his office.

I took my bag and keys and drove out quickly. I'm not getting raped tonight. Not ever.

In a blink, I'm home meeting Harry watching Tv. He looked surprised at my sudden appearance,  noticing how nervous I was.

"What happened?" He asked worriedly.

"Um...My boss...nothing." I changed my mind from telling him. He might do something stupid.

"Did he try to touch my wife?" He asked jokingly but seeing I didn't respond...

"You gotta be fucking kidding me." He brought out his phone instantly and dialed some number.

"Harry what are you doing? I swear he did nothing. Please I need this job." I pleaded but he wasn't listening.

"Nate, can you hear me. Yes, um, regarding the Daily rise publishing firm, get the fucking manager fired. I'm no longer doing business with them. Find a way! Good." He ends the call and walks towards me.

"El, it's going to be fine. He won't try to do that to you again." He embraced me but I knew it wasn't going to fine. He just sacked my boss.

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