For years, I've hated him for how he handled the situation, and almost wish he could come back from the dead so I could demand why he could be so impulsive and ruthless. But the bitterness has stolen too much of my life. I've chosen to let go of my anger, and move forward so I can take care of my wolves. They need a strong leader, though heaven knows I'm not the best man for the rank of Alpha, not my any means."

I'm taken aback by his honest and direct way of speaking, at the personal trials he's just shared with us, and I step forward to lay my hand on his arm. "Zander, whatever it is you need to discuss with us, I am ready to listen. We all are." I meet Hamilton's eyes, then Malachi's as he steps up behind me and pulls me back against his chest. Zander smiles knowingly at the possessive reaction.

Then the rogue Alpha looks at Malachi with a seriousness in every aspect of his gaze and posture. "I request the re-acquisition of my territory, so my pack can rebuild and finally have a future on our own land."

I smile, seeing the sense in his request and wishing for all to be made right after so much loss in his past. "There now, that wasn't so hard—"

"Absolutely not!" Malachi growls at the rogue, and I flinch at my mate's abrupt response.

"But Malachi, it's his land. Your pack only acquired it because of the tragic events that should never have occured. Why can't you let it rest and—"

"How can we trust him?" Malachi takes my arm and leads me away from the group, talking in harsh whispers to me. "He's been a rogue for seven years, packless, wandering in the wilderness. His mind might not be right—"

"Oh, for goodness sake. Does he look like he's crazy to you?" I look pointedly at the refined and calm man who is waiting patiently for our discussion to reach a conclusion. Returning my gaze to Malachi, I see him studying him just as closely. I understand his hesitancy to just hand over land so quickly. Alphas are extremely territorial, especially when blood debts are owed and feuds remain between the commanding families.

"I still don't like the idea..."

"Well, I do. I have a feeling we can trust him. He only wants what's rightfully his, so he can finally lead his people in a better life. It's what we all want," I say carefully, reminding him of our own determination to rebuild our lives after the tragedy of last night.

My mate sighs, takes a deep breath and then sighs again before heading back to Zander and the others. "Alright, you may have your land back. Next week, I will go over the paperwork and draw up the original boundary lines so we are all clear on our territories. We will help you with the initial resources and supplies you need to rebuild your town since it was burnt to the ground by my father."

"And we will also lend you some of our warriors if you need help running border patrol while you get back on your feet. And you're invited to our next Fire Night in two weeks' time on the new moon," I add, feeling the weight of Malachi's stare as he wonders why I'm being so generous.

"Thank you, Luna. Much appreciated. However, we will not be needing the warriors as my own men are strong and capable enough," Zander bows over my hand once again, ignoring the intense glare from Malachi and instead smiling at me warmly.

Then he and Malachi grip forearms, formally shaking on the agreement. I let out a sigh of relief and share a smile with Hendrik, who is far more happy than Hamilton with the outcome of our discussion.

"What's this?" Malachi suddenly growls, his entire body bristling as he reaches around Zander's neck and pulls free a leather cord. Hanging in the middle is a ring, and he holds it up to the light to examine it closely. "My sister's ring?" He roars in shock, his face twisting as snarls vibrate from his throat. "Why do you have my sister's ring!?"

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