•Chapter Eleven•

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What was Woohyun talking about? 'He is my enemy.' It didn't make any sense to me at all.

I trudged my way to the school's library and strolled in and out of the aisles without really knowing what book I wanted to read.

I shuffled quietly in the 'horror' aisle, stroking the books and one book caught my attention.

I lifted my heels and reached for the book grabbing hold of the spine. The book wouldn't move at all until I peaked through the gaps and realised a tall figure was grabbing hold of it.

He reached effortlessly for the book as he accidentally knocked the two books beside it onto my head making me squeal.

"Aish!" I groaned while bending down to grab the books.

I heard heavy footsteps rushing over to me as I looked up to see it was Bi Ho.

"Are you okay?" He asked while bending down to help, I nodded while standing back up and rubbed my head.

"So..do you and Woohyun date? Are you two official?" I froze at his question as he raised his eyebrow waiting for my response.

I quickly shuffled over to grab the books from his hands and reached to place it back on the book shelf.

"I'll take that as a yes." He said as my heart pounded while I panicked trying to shove that stupid book back on the shelf.

Bi Ho leaned closer to me and took the books off of me gently grazing past my hand before sliding them back into it's original place.

I stepped backwards and slightly stumbled avoiding eye contacts with him and tugged my blazer sleeve.

I froze for three seconds as he smirked and leaned against the bookcase with his arms crossed smiling, "You are a pretty girl, Ailey."

Oh shit. What do I say?

He continued, "You remind me of a girl that Woohyun and I fought over..what was her name? Jae..."

Before he could finish, I flinched as I saw Woohyun leisurely walk closer to us with his hands tucked into his trouser pockets.

"Yah. Are you filming a teen drama with my girlfriend? Ailey are you interested in him?" Woohyun asked as I scoffed and crossed my arms.

Bi Ho let out a puff as he faced towards Woohyun, "I was just asking whether or not you two were dating. It must be true now that you've came," Bi Ho responded.

"Ah. Are you thinking of getting me excluded again? Like a coward you was. Say hello to your Father for me." Woohyun sharply replied as he held my hand walking away and I followed him from behind.

We both left the library and I was so confused. Exclusion? A girl? Coward?

"Bi Ho mentioned a girl that you two once fought over? Is that..true?" I curiously asked.

"Something like that.." He replied while locking his fingers with mine. I'm guessing he doesn't want to tell me.

What exactly is Bi Ho?!

The two of us walked to our next lesson which was History whilst holding hands and as we entered the room there was a chalkboard with a layout of our new seating plan.

The students all twisted their heads facing towards us and squealed like 5 year olds, "I guess they're official! Look at them! Jealous..! The new girl and Woohyun!"

I was startled by their responses as Hyo Jin and Da In scowled at me from the corner.

Chan Young rushed over to us with a lollipop in his mouth and clapped his hands like a happy seal, "DAEBAK! Woohyun and Ailey are officially a couple! Eeeek!" The two of us giggled as Woohyun slapped his back.

The bell rang and I scanned the board looking for my name which was squashed between Woohyun..and Bi Ho.

Our seats were assigned in the middle of the classroom and I could already sense trouble between Bi Ho and Woohyun..

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