Chapter 26: Free Meal

Start from the beginning

Axel, Kai, and Suzu lead you to the back of the line. You can hear Kai complain loudly without a care in the world, but you blocked him out trying to distract yourself with the sparkling wonderful food Lunch Rush is serving.

Your eyes scanned at the perfectly cut strawberry-mango shortcake and felt your mouth salivating. You gulped in excitement as the line shortened towards the cash register.

"You're drooling class president," Axel chuckled.

You snapped out of your trance and quickly wiped your mouth with your right sleeve; your mouth still watering despite the wiped drool. You then felt a weight on top of your head ruffle your hair messily. You quickly try to stop the hand from making your hair a complete mess but Suzu prevented you by forcing you to their chest in a side hug.

Narrator POV

Kai rolled his eyes at his childish classmates but was internally glad Suzu quickly distracted (Y/n) from the cafeteria. Taking a moment, he blocked out the noises from Suzu, Axel, and (Y/n) trying to listen for any harsh comments that might have been accumulating in the cafeteria.

"As usual those I-Island students are making a racket."

"What happened to her face?"

"Tch, what a bunch of eye-sores."

"Did you hear? The girl apparently kissed one of the first years by force!"

"Are you serious?! And they call themselves hero students."

"Do you think she's faking it? Like trying to look like a damsel in distr—"

Kai chewed his cheeks, slightly drawing blood from inside his mouth. They knew their reputation and aura is not something approachable and likeable, but the rumours of their academy are getting way out of hand!

Axel placed a hand on Kai's right shoulder just in time before Kai could voice out his thoughts.

"Don't engage. We are far more mature than they are. This will pass, just like back in the academy."

Kai glared at Axel and viciously shook his hand off of his shoulder.

"Don't tell me what to do," he mumbles in frustration. "I know."

Suzu looked back to his three classmates, somewhat aware of their conversation. Yet, he manages to fake it in front of (Y/n), trying to distract her with his playful gestures. "Come on you two, time to pay for (L/n)-san's lunch!" he smiled widely.

"Tch, your smile is as fake as your annoying voice," Kai replies while giving his handful of bills.

"What does that even mean?" Axel sweat-dropped.

Suzu angrily snatched Kai's money from his hands, "That's rude!" Suzu turned away from his two classmates and gave the exact amount of money to Pro Hero: Lunch Rush. (Y/n) walked away from the cash register holding a tray with seafood-udon, strawberry-mango shortcake, and a cup of warm tea. It was invisible to everyone, but (Y/n) had a ghostly smile that was plastered on her face; only the I-Island students were able to detect it if they looked hard enough.

As the I-Island students walked towards their table, the side comments began to become more obvious with every passing student they walk by. Coincidentally, (Y/n) was oblivious to her surroundings as she focused on balancing her food tray and following Suzu's steps to avoid stepping onto backpacks and other students' foot. All their harsh comments flew over her head and reacted like nothing was happening. Of course, the people who thought differently had other things in mind and began to assume their personality based on what they saw.

"Wow, they seriously think they're better than us?"

"They are so ignorant."

"I-Island Academy needs to exchange these stuck-ups."

Before (Y/n) can even process the fact that they are openly being talked about and is about to eat her free meal, Kyo-kun strolled into the cafeteria with its screen showcasing puppy emoticons. Some girls at the entrance shrieked at the sudden appearance of the robot, and somehow dropped their drinks they have recently bought.

(Y/n) definitely heard the screams and is now fully aware some students were talking about the puppy robot that is now strolling towards her.

"Oh my," she gasped at the mess the puppy robot made.

   ︵‿︵‿︵\ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ/︵‿︵‿︵ 

A/N: Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas to my wonderful readers! I managed to snag a bit of my time today to publish this chapter, but unfortunately, my 3 OVAs are halfway done! I'll finish it for sure! And I can't believe we're at 8K!!! (^º◡º^❁) Thank you for the undying and limitless support <3 I really hope to publish a bunch of OVAs before New Years! Thank you again and Happy Holidays to all! (ó㉨ò)ノ♡

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