34 - Reverse Fishing

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When Ulric woke up, queen Sawea smiled at him with a hint of amusement from outside the entrance of their sheltered resting place. 'There's certainly more to you than meets the eye.' she said softly in her pleasant singing voice.

He realised she was talking about the girls sleeping with their heads on his torso and he was glad Elzbieta's and Valdys's long hair covered him below and hid the sight between his legs from view. Susi stirred and yawned above his head, where she had curled up against him, and Trixy looked up from her spot in the side of his neck. He grinned a little. 'The luxury of being a warm pillow.' he whispered.

One corner of her mouth curled up. 'So it would seem.' she said and her wing tips swept lazily forward and backward. 'I wanted to inform you that the ones capable of using wind magic have gathered and can be instructed any time you're ready.'

'Thank you. I'll wake the others and we'll begin after a quick bite.'

Sawea gave him a nod and left, and he stroked Iphigenia's and Kaui's cheeks since they lay at his chest and held his arms against their chests. 'Wake up, my cuties.'

Kaui held his arm tighter and Iphigenia rubbed her cheek against his paw. 'I'm only waking because I can see you, Wolfie.' she whispered. 'Otherwise I'd prefer to sleep with you forever.'

He chuckled. 'If only there was a way to be together in our dreams as well.'

'There seems to be a tribe in some jungle that has control over the plane of dreams.' whispered Valdys and yawned, then stuck her nose in the fur of his abdomen and inhaled deep. 'I love that I can smell again and wake up with the scent of your fur.'

Kaui turned her head and smiled up at Ulric. 'I'm happy just knowing Master's here.'

He smiled and caressed her cheek. 'I used to hate waking up, but with you girls it's a joy.'

Elzbieta ran her fingers through his fur and stopped short of his balls. 'Yeah, we noticed just how joyous you sometimes can be when you wake up, darling.'

Iphigenia giggled. 'You say that as if it's a bad thing, while you never decline to take care of it.'

Elzbieta blushed. 'I'm only thinking of his health.' she muttered and drew circles in his fur with her fingertip. 'It's not good to suppress the release of pressure building up in the body. We should also make sure his healing power stays fresh.'

Valdys giggled. 'I'm only part of the family for a short while now, but I can't imagining a more fun bunch of people to be with.'

'Family is strange, but Susi likes new family as much as old family.'

Ulric smiled and scritched her cheek. 'A weird but lovable family.' he said. 'When this is over we should have a little party with food and drinks and enjoy just us being together.'

'Great idea!' said Iphigenia and stretched. 'All the more reason to get to work and get this over with.'

They enjoyed a light meal and stepped outside of the shelter just as Conchim passed it. Ulric noticed she seemed a little tired from her sleepy eyes and sluggish walk. 'Conchim, are you all right? Didn't you get any rest?'

She looked up startled at him, then averted her eyes when she couldn't get the events at the pond out of her mind. 'I, I just slept in a bad position.' she said as she had woken up at the rock just barely before. It had been a deep sleep but the hard surface hadn't done her any good.

'Do you want something to make you feel good again?'

She gazed at him with large eyes and stepped back covering her front with her wings. 'Ah! No!' she said with a hot flustered face. 'I can't do that!'

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