32 Know Thy Enemy

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Conchim offered a natural shelter under a couple of trees at the edge of the clearing where tough bushes formed a green cave underneath them, and Ulric and the girls made themselves comfortable with blankets and hides to sit on. They'd just eaten a bite when Conchim returned with the queen.

'Let me get you a blanket.' said Iphigenia and pulled two from her pack.

'Thank you.' said the queen and Conchim as they sat down on them, their wings elegantly draped across their lap and the two long, slender tips of her tail curled gracefully behind her. 'I hope you're comfortable enough here.'

Ulric nodded while focussing hard on the situation at hand and not the fine curves of the two harpy's chests. 'Sheltered from wind and rain, it's good.' he said and sat up straight. 'So, what's the problem you're facing, your Majesty?'

The queen cleared her throat. 'Please, call me Sawea. 'Human hunters have been catching the fish flying from one lake to the other in our territory. Before, they never came close and stuck to the further routes the flying fish took and didn't disturb our own supply. Now though, they catch a lot of the fish that would pass our hunting grounds and leave us with too little to survive on over time.'

Ulric hummed. 'Did you make contact with them?'

'They attacked us when we approached them and they used their nets to take down the ones that came near.' Conchim said.

'So, it's a deliberate action.' Elzbieta said.

Sawea nodded. 'That was our conclusion as well.' she said and entwined her fingers on her lap. 'I can only think that this is a malicious act.'

Conchim hit her wings on her thighs with her fists. 'We'll make them pay!'

'What do they usually do?' asked Ulric. 'How do they escape from you?'

Sawea looked at Conchim, who sighed. 'They shoot nets at the fish to catch most of them, and use those same nets against us. We get entangled in them and receive a shock, and they escape with the nets full of fish in the meantime. They're with enough people to have a net at the ready all the time and they're armed with bows. They also vanish every time without a trace.'

'How many people?'

'Sixteen to twenty, I think.'

Ulric looked at the others. 'I think we'd better take a look first and find out more about them.' he said and pondered. He looked at Kaui and Valdys. 'To be on the safe side, I'd like you two to stay here while Iphi and Elz come with me.'

Trixy chittered and he smiled. 'All right, you come along while Val asks the spirits here for more information.'

Susi nudged him with her nose. 'Susi come too.'

He stroked her head. 'I think it's too dangerous for you this time. I'd be less worried when you stay here.'

Susi's ears drooped. 'Okay, daddy.'

Kaui stroked her back. 'I could use your help in sniffing out useful herbs and materials to replenish our stock.' she said. 'With your nose we should find what we need much quicker.'

Susi's ears pricked up again and she wagged her tail. 'I'll help!'

Ulric gave Kaui a grateful smile and turned to Conchim. 'Can you take us to where they usually hunt?'

She nodded. 'They're not always at the same spot but I can lead you along the route that the fish normally fly.'


'Before you go,' said Sawea. 'could you show me the piece you have of the artefact?'

'Val?' asked Ulric, and she sat down next to him and held it out to the queen.

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