73 - In the Heat of the Fight

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The group of dragons landed close to the party and surveyed the situation, while the earlier three dragons picked themselves up. A nearly black one and the largest stepped forward, a low rumble emanating from his throat as he breathed deep. He glared at Iphigenia and Elzbieta as they took a defence step back. 'I'll give you one chance to leave and never return.'

Ulric landed in front of the girls and sized up the surprised creature nearly three times his size. 'We did not come here to fight.'

The dragon bent forward and growled. 'Cease your lies, filthy demon spawn.'

Ulric sighed. 'Look, we're not with the evil kind of demons. We're here on a special quest and need to travel through here.'

The dragon rose on his legs and glared down on him. 'We will stomp you flat if you don't leave right now.'

Ulric groaned and pinched the bridge of his muzzle, then looked up at the dragon and balled his fists. 'All right, if you want to fight over it, I'll take on anyone who wants to.'

The dragon gazed at him for a moment, then laughed out loud. 'You dare to take on a dragon on your own!?'

Ulric growled low. 'Whenever I have to.'

The black dragon thought the strange bloodwolf with wings might impress him a little, and looked back at his fellow dragons. 'Will you take on the strongest of us all?'

Ulric flexed his back once. 'Any of you.'

'Wolfie, are you sure?' asked Iphigenia.

'Seems like there's no other way they will listen.' he said and gave her a quick smile. 'Besides, I can't lose with all the strength you girls give me.'

The dragon stepped aside. 'Very well, you'll face the strongest of us.'

Ulric and the girls gazed in surprise at the dark purple dragon with dark blue eyes stepping forward on all fours, barely larger than Ulric himself. 'I'd question their judgement if I wasn't open to not letting appearances fool me.' he said.

Iphigenia glanced at Elzbieta. 'Yes, be very careful, Wolfie. Elz and I will assist if we have to.'

The dragon stretched its wings once as it approached Ulric, and fixed its gaze upon him. 'I will not let you live, even if I might let the others if they leave at once.'

Ulric thought there was something peculiar about the dragon.

It opened its mouth instantly and spewed a sharp stream of fire at him.

He deflected with one wing as he jumped aside.

He decreased the size of his wings because he was faster on the ground while the wings acted as a shield, and jumped and ran around the dragon to dodge the stream following him until the dragon finally ceased. He panted and pat out the burning tip of his tail. 'Just how much fire do you have stored in you?'

The dragons at the side laughed. 'That's our princess for you.' said the black one.

Ulric stared at his opponent. 'Wait, you're a girl?'

'The strongest dragon there is, our princess Yingshien.' said the black dragon. 'She can control her breath so well, it lasts longer than any of us could muster.'

Ulric turned to him and gestured at her. 'I can't fight her!'

The dragon laughed again. 'Too scared now, eh? Taking back what you said, weakling? Afraid of dragons now?'

Ulric looked at Yingshien, then back at the black dragon again. 'No, but I don't want to hurt a lady.'

Yingshien shot a blast of fire at his feet and he barely jumped away. She rose up on her legs and glared at him. 'Are you saying I'm weak!?'

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