29 - Family is Family

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'Ahhh, it's good to be surrounded by green again.' said Ulric when he woke up a couple of days later in a sheltered spot under a large tree where they had slept under their large covers.

Iphigenia ran her fingers through his chest fur. 'Yeah, even better when there's also a certain wolf's fur surrounding me as well.' she whispered.

'If only I could wrap myself around you girls all the time.' he sighed.

'We just might not get anywhere then with the effect that has on us.' giggled Valdys and rubbed her cheek against his soft abdomen.

'Well, promises have to be kept.' said Iphigenia. 'Especially when we were rather drained from fighting.'

'I don't mind fulfilling promises like those at all.' chuckled Ulric.

'We can see that.' said Elzbieta and stroked the length of his hard and hot flesh with her fingertips.

'Master?' whispered Kaui in his neck.

He stroked her back. 'What is it, my dear?'

'I think one of my tallies hasn't reached maximum yet.'

He smiled and stroked her plump behind. 'It would be better to maximise all your numbers, yes.' he whispered in her ear and slipped his fingers into the warm and wet folds between her thighs while Elzbieta and Valdys wrapped their lips around his hot shaft and Iphigenia hummed in pleasant anticipation as his other paw moved down towards her behind.


Fully energised, they made good progress through the low hills and halted once more when they began to feel hungry again. Ulric surveyed the meadows and sections of trees around them. 'I smell deer on the wind.' he said. 'I'll go fetch one.'

'All right, we'll be ready to roast it when you return.' said Iphigenia and kissed him before he ran off towards a clump of trees.

The temporary camp had been set up swiftly when Elzbieta suddenly looked up at a nearby edge of the trees and the thick bushes between them. 'Something's coming!' she said over the link.

The others put down what they had in their hands and gathered around her. 'What is it?' asked Iphigenia.

'Not sure.' said Elzbieta. 'I think it's a couple of animals.'

'Do you need my help?' asked Ulric as he gutted the deer he had caught. 'I'm almost done here but I can leave right away.'

'I don't think you need to if it's just some animals.'

'All right.' he said but hurried with his task.

'I can hear them.' said Kaui, 'They're on the other side of the bushes.'

'Erratic breathing.' said Elzbieta. 'Kaui, Valdys, you stay behind us.'

She and Iphigenia drew their swords silently while the other two moved behind them and Valdys prepared an enchantment in case she could help.

Without a warning, two wounded bloodwolves sprang from the bushes and rushed at the girls. Elzbieta didn't hesitate for a moment and hew the head off of one of them while Iphigenia evaded the other and fatally stabbed it twice.

The two wolves sagged and fell dead to the ground. 'Bloodwolves!?' said Iphigenia. 'Here!?'

'Girls!? Are you all right!?' asked Ulric.

'We're fine, darling.' said Elzbieta. 'We took them down.'

Ulric let out a breath of relief.' 'I'll be back soon.'

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