19 - Ambush

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'Oh great, it's going to be cold when I wake up.' said one bandit to another while he watched thick strands of fog roll into the clearing. 'I hate fog.'

The other took a swig from the wine in his mug. 'Drink more then. That'll keep you warm.'

The first one laughed. 'Who needs that as an excuse to drink more?' he said and drank.

When the fog became thicker the bandits stoked up the two fires they had burning and a few of them wrapped themselves up in their blankets expecting the cold.

'It's as thick as soup.' grumbled one. 'As if it's cursed.'

Another one glanced around and held his dagger tight. 'Did anyone see something move in there?'

'What are you talking about, Remo?' grumbled Kels, the burliest one of the group and their leader. 'You're just seeing shadows.'

'Fog or not, I still gotta go.' said another bandit and headed for the edge of the trees.

Kels kept watch on the spot where the other faded from sight, then jumped at a crack of a branch and a muffled cry. 'Fedra! What happened!?'

'Tripped, damned! Hurt my face!' was the answer from a covered mouth.

'Damned idiot.' muttered Kels and drank. It seemed to him that every time they were stuck in fog every sound became louder. Rustling of leaves, creaking of branches, birds flapping their wings, creatures scurrying around. And he hated the cold damp.

He stopped drinking. Something wasn't right with this fog. The cold damp was missing. And the weather hadn't turned cold enough as usual to get fog. He looked around and counted the men he saw, and realised there were less than before. A short chocking sound at the edge of his sight raised his suspicion to alert level. 'Alarm! We might be ambushed!' he shouted and took out his sword as he stood up quickly.

The others around him became livelier and armed themselves. 'Took! Where are you?' one asked.

'Has anyone seen Horm?' asked another.

'Hey! Who goes the-' said another before the sound of wood hitting something hard cut him off.

'Attack!' yelled Kels and the next moment an arrow pierced the side of his arm and he cried out loud.

Trivian appeared from the fog with drawn bow while fighting erupted around them, and fired another arrow at Kels, but he stepped aside faster than expected and the arrow struck the ground.

Kels grimaced in anger as he lunged at and swung his sword at Trivian. Trivian held out his bow in protection, blocking the cut but the force of the hit cut his bow and tumbled him to the side. Kels held up his sword to deal another blow on Trivian but cried out at the stabs in his back and fell forward.

Bea hurried towards Trivian. 'Are you okay!?'

Trivian held up one half of his bow. 'Only mostly.'

Bea held out her hand to help him up when Trivian's eyes went wide, and grabbed her wrist and jerked her towards him before Kels could slash her with his sword.

He pulled one of her daggers from his back and threw it to the ground. 'You didn't think this was the first time I've been stabbed in a fight, did you now?' he grumbled and swung his sword back, and Trivian pulled Bea against him with his broken bow still in hand. 'That bow isn't going to help you any longer!'

Kels lunged forward to stab but Trivian pushed up on his knees, pulled Bea aside and thrust out an arrow with his other hand into Kels's throat.

Kels gurgled a cry as he clutched his throat, stumbled, and fell to his knees.

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