66 - Wet Traps

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The girls and Ulric smiled knowingly when Bunga and Taji walked into the town community hall hand in hand, while the other patrons went silent. The cheerful couple walked up to their new friends. 'We have an announcement.' Taji said with a light blush matching that of his ogre girl, who could barely hold back a bright smile.

Iphigenia sat back in her chair and smirked. 'You and Bunga have hit it off and you're going to marry, and she'll join you when you travel for work from now on.'

He looked at his giggling Bunga, then at Iphigenia again. 'I guess it's obvious, and you're not surprised to see different species couples.'

Iphigenia ran her fingers through Ulric's thick fur next to her and giggled. 'We have some experience.'

The new lovers sat down as the others in the inn cheered and wished them well, and the innkeeper came with finger food, beer, milk, and wine. 'To celebrate the day our cute thief entered this inn through the front door, and to see you both found each other.'

Taji leaned on the table. 'Now, my experience says you didn't come to this place without a reason. Bunga told me you searched the bandit's lair after you rounded them all up, so what're you looking for?'

Valdys looked at Ulric, who gave her a nod. She pulled out one of the artefacts and laid it on the table. 'We're looking for something like this. We only know it must be somewhere in the area.'

'Oh.' said Bunga. 'I have such a stone at home.'

The girls and Ulric gazed at her. 'You have it?' asked Iphigenia.

Bunga nodded. 'I received it from my mother, who received from hers, and so on. It's the hardest thing I know of, and we used it to sharpen our knives and axes and so on all the time.'

Ulric sniggered. 'Well, stranger things could happen to old objects of which no one remembered where they came from.'

'If you're looking for that, I'll give it gladly to you.' Bunga said and laid her hand on Taji's arm. 'Anything's worth the price of saving my dear man.'

Taji placed a small bag on the table. 'Our family doesn't have much, but we are all very grateful for your help. We offer you this humble payment, and this.' He placed a copper coin with a seven pointed star on the table. 'This is proof that you are a friend of the merchant guild Sabun, and you can find help any time with our members. I hope it'll be useful on your journey.'

Iphigenia took the coin and pushed the bag back towards him. 'Thank you. I'm certain we'll need all the help we can get one day, but we think you can use the money more to begin a new life for the both of you.'

'Thank you.' said Bunga. 'For everything.'

Valdys held up her cup of wine. 'And now we drink and eat and be merry before we have to be on our way.'


A white raven landed on top of the trotting nasr that Muni rode. The riding bird shook it's head once, but the raven stayed put. Elyta gazed at the bird. 'One of yours?'

Muni loosened the message roll from the bird's leg. 'Yes.' he said and read the short message. He grinned. 'Found them.'

Tarrence, who rode in front, looked back over his shoulder. 'Good. Let's gather the numbers to take them out permanently.'


Iphigenia and Elzbieta stepped into the kitchen where Kaui and Caylais prepared vegetables for the next meal. Elzbieta sat down at the table and poured water for Iphigenia and herself. 'Where's darling?'

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