03 - Fatal Fight

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The next day they travelled through low but steep rocky hills and Iphigenia took the lead during narrow paths so she wouldn't have to look at Ulric and be reminded of her embrace and her thoughts about him that had kept her awake half the time at the last rest.
They still distracted her though and she slipped on a loose stone during a shallow climb. With a yell she fell back but Ulric caught her. 'You okay?' he asked.
She nodded and blushed at his firm and safe hold. 'I'm okay. I just overlooked a bad step.'
He nodded and she moved on again. He hummed as he suspected she was uncomfortable around him after yesterday's incident and hoped they wouldn't have more until she could finally be free of him when the wizard council releases her.
They reached a level and wider part of the path between steep walls but as soon as they reached the middle goblins popped out from behind crags in the rock.
'Shit!' said Iphigenia, drew her sword, and looked around at the group of stone axes and battered old swords wielding creatures. 'They're not strong on their own but as a group they're tough.'
Ulric dropped his pack and transformed his fur into spikes like he had practised during their rest. 'Any advice?'
'Yeah, don't get overwhelmed.'
For a moment the goblins just stared menacingly at them while rocking on their feet, then cried out and rushed in for the kill.
Iphigenia parried and slashed the goblins coming at her while Ulric covered her back, catching the goblin's strikes with his spines and taking them out with massive punches from his spiked fists. Wounded goblins yammered and the ones that could still fight lost their confidence.
'They're getting unsure!' shouted Iphigenia while she stabbed a goblin in the throat. 'Let's push them!'
Ulric followed her lead and they concentrated their fight on one goblin at the time and took down their numbers at a steady pace.
'We're getting there!' she shouted when there were just a few goblins left. 'We'll-'
Ulric turned around in a flash at her cry.
She sank back against him with an arrow in her side and he looked up at the top of the rock wall where a goblin put another arrow to his bow. Without any hesitation he grabbed one of the goblin's swords at his feet and hurled it at the archer.
The creature sprung up backwards from the force of the steel piercing its chest and Ulric rushed with fury through the remaining goblins.
Covered in blood he returned to Iphigenia. She had ripped open her tunic to reveal the wound and remove the arrow, and cursed. 'They did something to that arrow. I can sense poison.' She put her hand on the wound and mumbled her healing incantation, then cursed again. 'I can heal the physical damage but not the poison. I don't know what it is.'
Ulric climbed up the wall and came back soon with a blooded satchel. 'Maybe this'll tell you.' he said and upended it.
She searched through the contents until she gasped at a bunch of blue-green leaves with a metallic shine.
'What is it!? Is it bad!?' he asked as he watched her pale face.
'Seasword.' she said, her eyes fixed on it while her hand trembled. 'It kills.'
He grabbed her shoulders. 'But there is a cure, right!? You can fix it, right!?'
Tears welled up in her eyes as she looked into his eyes. 'There is no cure. I'll die in a day.'
He trashed around the contents of the bag on the ground and ripped the bag apart to be sure nothing was left in it. 'There has to be! You can't use a poison without making sure you have an antidote!' He growled as he sniffed and examined every scrap of parchment and stone jar and herb.
'Ulric.' she said and put her hand on his arm. 'Ulric!' He glared at her. 'There is none. It's no use. They must have gotten their hands somehow on this rare plant. And they don't care about any possible danger to their own to find an antidote.'
His paws trembled and his head started to hurt. 'I can't let you die like this! I have to do something!'
Her heart beat faster at his worry for her. She thought she could have fallen for him if she had met him under normal circumstances and she smiled softly as she stroked his cheek. 'Then take me quickly beyond these hills. There's a beautiful shallow valley I'd at least would like to see.'
He wasted no time gathering their packs, hoisting them on his back with her, and hurried as fast as he could without making her uncomfortable.


The valley was bathed in a golden sheen by the time Ulric halted at a pond halfway down one side, overlooking the valley and surrounded by sweet smelling berry bushes. Trees were scattered around the grass covered valley with large patches of flowers in almost every colour of the rainbow.
'Told you it was beautiful.' Iphigenia said as she climbed off of his back and removed their packs.
He nodded. 'Yeah.'
She chuckled. 'You need a bath. You look horrible and stink.'
He looked at his rough fur covered in dry goblin blood and dirt and scrunched up his muzzle. 'Ugh, indeed.' He looked back at her. 'You go first though. I'll wait here.'
She smiled and shook her head. 'No, you go first. I need to do something first.'
'Ah.' he said as he thought he understood what she meant. 'I'll be quick then.'
He hurried towards the water and took a dive. After coming up he began rinsing his fur furiously at his arms. When he reached back to scrub his back he remembered the trouble with that. 'Oh, yeah.'
'Let me.' said Iphigenia and poured water over his back.
'Iphi!?' he said and looked back at her.
She smiled at him. 'You're no good at this.' she said and chuckled.
'True.' he said and chuckled while enjoying her massage.
She finished his back, bit her lip as she gazed at it, and embraced him tight from behind.
'Iphi?' he asked when he sensed her trembling against him.
She sniffed. 'Thank you.'
He held her arms. 'I didn't do anything.'
She squeezed him. 'You did. You climbed that wall and cut and scraped yourself to see if that goblin had anything with him.'
He looked down at his damaged paws. 'How could I not?'
'You genuinely care.'
He caressed her arms.
She took a deep breath. 'I have one last request.'
'Name it and I'll do it.'
She held on to him for a moment longer, then let go and to his surprise turned him around. The moment he saw her he looked away. 'Hold on! You're naked!'
She chuckled. 'Yes.'
He glanced at her when she took his paws in her hands. 'But what about you hating it when I see you?'
'I didn't know if I could really trust you then.' she said, moved against him and leaned her head against his shoulder. 'But now I know I can. And the sight of you didn't leave me unaffected either.'
He nuzzled her hair while he quickly grew erect. 'I don't know what to say or do, other than feeling happy upon hearing you say this.'
She cupped his cheeks and kissed him. 'I want to experience the pleasure of sex before I die.'
He embraced her. 'Are you sure with this body? Wouldn't a real man be better?'
She smiled at him. 'I want it to be you.'
He kissed her and their tongues found each other as they slipped between their lips. He enveloped hers with his length and she slid her mouth all the way across his to give her all while she pressed her lower abdomen against his hard and hot flesh.
They kissed until she needed to catch her breath, and she smiled wide at him before she took his paw and led him out of the water and back onto the soft grass where she sat down with him. She blushed as she looked at his erection, and carefully touched it. 'It's so hot.' she said as she caressed it with his fingertips.
'I believe this body has a higher temperature than a human body.' he said and caressed her cheek. 'Is it okay?'
She nodded and smiled at him. 'I think so.'
He kissed her again and caressed her side with one paw before caressing her breast. She pushed her chest against his paw while her nipple hardened between his fingers. He pulled back slowly from the kiss, pulling on and brushing against her lips with his, before moving down and kissing her neck and throat. She hummed in pleasure and a shiver went down her spine when he licked her and brushed his fangs against her throat.
Her firm small breasts were next as he licked his long tongue around and across them and paid attention to her sensitive nipples, and she embraced his wide neck and buried her fingers inside his thick fur. 'This feels good.' she breathed.
'I'd like to lick every part of your body.' he said and bit gently into her breasts and nipples. She squealed softly and pressed her chest more against his muzzle while his paw slid down her front and stroked her hot mound.
He moved further down with his tongue and she spread her legs wider when he licked along her mound and inhaled her scent. She gasped at the first lick across her clit and sending a shock through her hips, and breathed harder while he slipped his tongue through her slit and explored every fold.
'Mmm.. I never imagined it would feel this good.' she breathed and grabbed at the grass while her insides trembled at his touch.
'It'll be even better when I do this.' he said and slipped his tongue slowly as far as he could inside her.
Her whole body trembled hard at the sensation while she breathed fast and her heart raced. She pulled out grass with her tight fists at the wonderful torture she endured at his hot tongue moving inside her sensitive depths, and moaned long. The grazing of his front teeth against her clit twisted her insides even more and flashes of light appeared before her tightly shut eyes.
She uttered incomprehensible moans and groans while her whole body trembled uncontrollably from the inside until he licked her clit hard and fast. A surge of heat and tightness exploded between her legs and she tensed, pushing her mound against his muzzle while her mind blanked out.
She panted hard and smiled at him as he leaned on his paws over her. 'I believe you enjoyed that.'
She chuckled with difficulty between her breaths and stroked his chest. 'I really did.' she said. 'And I want more.'
He grinned. 'You shall have more.' he said and stroked her wet slit with his slick tip.
She breathed hard as her insides filled with his burning erection and let out a long and satisfied moan when he completely entered her and his furry balls pressed against her mound and furry abdomen against her clit. She embraced his neck and moaned softly at his slow and deliberate thrusts and her body tightened in reaction. 'I love this.' she breathed and kissed him again.
Their tongues connected and both panted harder with each thrust inside her. She wrapped her legs around him and pulled him tight against her to feel his fur all over her. She sensed the tension in his erection and his desire to be inside her and her heart raced knowing this man in beast form had taken her and gave her this fantastic sensation. He groaned and growled and she let her moaning run free.
Ulric's hips shook while he held back on thrusting fast and hard and come as soon as he could in her but it was hard. Every hit of his tip against her womb sent aching surges through him and pushed him onwards to empty his balls inside her. 'Oh Iphi.. This is the best sensation in my life.' he growled. 'I want to be so deep in you.'
She panted and licked his tongue. 'Go as deep as you can.' he breathed. 'I want you there as well.'
The pressure pushing against him reached his limit. 'I can't hold back!' he growled and pushed himself hard inside her. 'I'm coming!'
'Yes!' she moaned and her whole body quivered in ecstasy. 'Come in me!'
The deep growl as he shot his burning stream of demon beast seed inside her mixed with her loud moan at the surge of heat washing over her from inside, and she passed out for a moment. He panted and growled in her neck while she panted and stared up into nothing and both revelled into the hot throbbing sensation of their locked bodies.
When he caught his breath he rolled sideways with her on top and caressed her back and behind. She hummed in pleasure and squeezed his erection inside her while she moved her fingers through his fur and their chests heaved against each other. 'That was incredible.' she breathed. 'It was what I wished for.'
He held her a little tighter. 'I want to give you so much more. I want to save you no matter the cost. I-'
She smiled softly and hushed him with a finger against his muzzle. 'Thank you. For everything.' she said and snuggled as tight as she could against him. 'Don't say anything, just hold me as I go to sleep.'
He closed his eyes, listened to her soft breath and counted her heartbeats as they resonated against his chest, and swore to hold her until the very end while tears rolled down his cheeks.


When Ulric woke up he cursed himself for falling asleep at perhaps the most important time in his life. Iphigenia lay still on his chest in his embrace and he cried as he nuzzled her softly. 'Iphi..'
A stir of her body and a soft moan startled him.
His eyes went wide when she grabbed his fur and rubbed her cheek against his shoulder. 'Soft..' she mumbled.
He touched her cheek. 'Iphi?'
She squeezed her eyelids, yawned and stretched, and blinked her eyes up at him with a sleepy smile. 'Hello, sweet wolf.'
'Iphi!' he said and embraced her tightly. 'You're alive!'
She squirmed. 'Not for long if you keep doing this.'
He laughed and relaxed his grip. 'But you're alive!'
She pushed herself up. 'I? I am!' Checking her tallies she saw she was at full health. It was even higher than before. All the numbers were higher than before. 'How..? What happened?'
He smiled up at her and took her hands in his paws. 'I don't know but this is great!'
Something stirred against her sticky mound and she grinned. 'Seems something more is happy to see me alive.'
His ears lowered and he looked away in embarrassment. 'It's not my fault when there's a cute naked woman straddling me.'
She chuckled, leaned forward and pulled his face towards her. 'I'm glad to see you reacting like that to me.' she said and kissed him while rubbing her mound along his hot shaft. 'It means I get to enjoy what we did more often.'
He stroked her back and slid his tongue along hers. 'I'd love to touch and lick you all over and fill you deep inside.'
She hummed in pleasure as the memory stirred her body, then pulled back at once. 'That's it!'
He stared up at her. 'What's it?'
She grinned wide. 'Your essence of healing! That must be it! Your seed must have erased the poison in my body!'
His eyes went wide. 'Could it really!?'
She nodded frantically. 'Nothing else could have done it!'
He couldn't believe it yet. 'Wow.'
She chuckled and smiled softly as she stroked his cheek. 'You saved my life twice now.'
He blinked up at her. 'I don't feel like I really did anything.'
She leaned forward and kissed him again while rubbing her slit against his tip. 'Then this time I'll have to make you feel like you did.'

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