43 - Insider Attack

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Susi snarled at the guard kicking her into the cage. He drew his lance and thrust its blunt end at her, but Ulric moved quickly in front and caught the hard jab against his shoulder. The guard glared at Ulric but the killing intent in the eyes of the bloodwolf told him he'd better back off. He scoffed and locked the cage, and left. Susi nuzzled his shoulder softly. 'Daddy hurt?'

Ulric nuzzled her ear. 'I protected myself. Are you hurt?'

She shook her head. 'Susi is fine.'

He focused on the others. 'How are you girls doing? They didn't hurt you?'

'We ended up in the dungeons without trouble, darling.' said Elzbieta. 'Kaui's here with me and Val and Conchim are in the next cell.'

'We're fine, my love.' said Valdys and looked at Conchim glancing testily around and shaking her wings. 'Although Conchim is edgy in this small enclosed space. She can't even spread one wing.'

Ulric scanned the inner court of the castle from the corner where the cage was placed. One golem stood beside them with the order to crush them if they so much as stuck a nose through the bars. People tended to be curious and took small detours to get a closer look at the demon beasts while they crossed the court, but it seemed business as usual to Ulric. Until he heard a ruckus from inside the main building coming their way. The large double doors of the entrance swung open, two guards flanked them, and a group of men in colourful and expensive clothing came out, the fat one in the middle with flat, black hair and gold chains and rings on his fat fingers was undoubtedly Malovick to Ulric.

The group halted at a pace from the cage and gazed intently at the two bloodwolves sitting in it. 'Susi does not like them, daddy.' she growled softly and Ulric placed one paw on hers. 'Don't let them get to you, honey.' he whispered. 'If they try anything I'll take care of it.'

'So, these are supposed to be bloodwolves?' said Malovick. 'I was told they were ferocious demons but they seem as harmless as a couple of dogs.' He leaned closer but veered back when Ulric glared deep into his eyes and cold shivers ran down his spine. He turned to one of the men at his side. 'I think we'll need to dispose of them right away, Marduk.'

A thin smile formed on Marduk's face, together with a malicious glint in his eyes. 'We could show off your magnificence when you kill them as a public spectacle. We'll just chain them to the ground and you can attack them with your spear or longsword. The people will admire your personal victory over these beasts.'

Malovick hummed and his smile grew. 'Indeed, it'll prove my greatness.' He turned to Marduk and slapped his hand on his shoulder. 'Make it happen as soon as possible.'

Marduk gave him a nod. 'As you wish.' he said, and the group left for the main building again.

Susi looked up at Ulric. 'What did they want, daddy?'

He pat her paw. 'Nothing you need to worry about.' he said and tuned in to the girls. 'Crap, they want to make a spectacle out of killing me and Susi. I can't let her face that situation, we need to do something fast.'

'Help is on the way, my love.' said Valdys while Trixy's spirit slipped through a crack of the cell door.

'Someone's coming.' said Elzbieta.

Multiple footsteps approached and a moment later they stopped at Elzbieta and Kaui's cell. The door hatch slid open and Malovick stared with malicious intent at the two. 'Thought you could easily attack me, eh?' he said. He squinted angrily when neither of them replied. 'You'll soon see at what cost you came here!' The slam of the hatch startled Kaui.

'What a pathetic man.' Elzbieta said.

'He still holds all power here, so we'd better be careful.' said Valdys while the hatch in their door opened. She and Conchim sat with their backs to the door, and a moment later their hatch slammed shut.

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