91 - Ambushes

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Handil regained enough of her old strength quickly for her and Rachael to take a slow walk around the lake. They didn't say much as they went arm in arm, each lost in their own thoughts about everything that had happened and changed, and what the future might bring now. Rachael glanced sideways at Handil. 'I'm sorry I dragged you into this.'

Handil stopped and looked at her. 'I am not sorry I did not let you go on your own, Rach.'

Rachael gave her a guilty smile. 'I know, but this wouldn't have happened to you if you were still home.'

Handil caressed her lover's cheek. 'Then I would have lived in agony not knowing how you were doing, or worse, hearing you might have died by those demon's hands.' Rachael laid her hand on Handil's, and kissed her palm. Handil caressed Rachael's lips with her thumb. 'I had already planned on telling you how I feel about you back then because I didn't want you away from my side if there was no need to. Whatever may happen to me, I am not leaving you unless you send me away by force.'

Rachael pulled Handil closer and kissed her firmly for a moment, then rubbed her nose against Handil's. 'I would only send you away if I was sure you'd be happier, even if it would kill me.'

Handil held her a little tighter. 'I'm at my happiest with you. I only worry if you can be happy with a vampire.'

Rachael looked her deep in her eyes. 'Give us a quiet place where we can be alone when you're back to full strength, and I'll show you again just how happy I am with you, vampire or not.'

Handil's heart pounded at the thought of the two of them giving into each other, and kissed her again with more passion.


On the walk back to the camp, they came across Caylais and Ulric. The two noticed the unmistakable glow in Caylais's eyes while she held on to Ulric's arm and her tail swayed in satisfaction. Ulric showed a glimpse of a pained expression when he looked at Handil. 'How're you feeling?' he asked.

She gave him an honest little smile. 'Still a bit sore and weak, but I seem to recover quickly as well.'

He nodded once. 'I just want to say I feel responsible for what happened, so if you want to take it out on me go ahead. I already promised Rachael she can take out her revenge on me.'

Handil looked at Rachael, back at Ulric, and stepped towards him. 'Can you lower your head a little?'

He didn't break eye contact as he lowered his head towards her.

She swung back her arms, then flung them around his neck and hugged him tight. 'I heard what you did to the one who bit me.' she said softly in his ear. 'Thank you for becoming enraged for my sake. I told this to Rachael as well, as long as I can be by her side, I don't care what happens.' She let him go with a kiss on his forehead. 'Don't you and your girls feel the same for one another?'

He glanced sideways at Caylais, and smiled softly. 'True.'

She held on tight to Rachael's arm. 'You and Rachael are pretty similar.' she said and giggled.

He and Rachael exchanged a look, and they both chuckled. 'I am satisfied with just the one girl though.' said Rachael.

Ulric puffed up his chest. 'I would be as well, but they just can't get enough of me.'

Caylais nudged him with her elbow in his side. 'You're not supposed to be smug about it, lover, even if it is the truth.' she said with a mock pout.

He sniggered, pulled her against him, and kissed her. 'I have no right to complain because I can't get enough of all of you either. Each of you makes me feel blessed every moment of my life.'

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